Home > Software Updates > Software Update Requirements
As new features are added to Execu/Tech software, these features are available through software updates and are included in the latest version of Execu/Tech software.
See What's New for a current partial list of programs included in the updates. Execu/Tech may notify you that updates are available. You may request updates at any time.
Execu/Tech requires that all customers receiving full updates read and comply with our System Requirements and other information or instructions linked in this document. This is to make sure that your server, network, devices, and systems are compatible with your new Execu/Tech software programs. There will be no exceptions. ** Customer must fill out, sign, and return an Execu/Tech Software Updates Agreement prior to scheduling. **
Click here to download the ExecuTech Software Updates Agreement. You may return the agreement by email to support@execu-tech.com or by fax to 850-747-0491.
You might need to change your email settings after the update. Send a confirmation email from a test reservation. If it does not work, or does not work properly, click HERE.
Software Updates
Running ETUpdate from update.zip
Software Update without download
Post-Update Requirements
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