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Home > Software Installation > Create Shortcut Manually

Create Shortcut Manually

Before you create a shortcut manually, consider using our Shortcut Wizard.  ETShortcutWizard


The "Target" and "Start-In" properties seen below are just examples. Don't assume that copying them will work. Consult a qualified IT professional if you are unsure where to find your software folder on the network.


Creating a shortcut manually is pretty simple if you have some basic computer skills. 


Here are the steps:

  1. Open the software installation folder from the computer needing the shortcut and locate the file "wrun32.exe".

  2. Right-Click it and drag it to your desktop.

  3. When you release the right mouse button, a menu will appear. Select Create shortcuts here.

  4. Right click this new shortcut and a menu will appear. Select Properties.

  5. In the properties, fill in the command line arguments in the "Target" line, explained here: Software Installation - Client.

  6. Click OK and then rename the shortcut to something like HOTEL 01FrontDesk 01, or Bar 01. You're the one who has to look at it and understand what it is, so make it something simple and obvious, but please include the terminal number.

Article ID
Last Modified
 1/30/2023 3:24 PM