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Home > Execu/Touch Point Of Sale > Execu/Touch POS Miscellaneous > Export POS Check Detail (GAPOCKH.TXT)

GAPOTXT is a manually run program that will export check detail in a comma delimited file. You can import this into an Excel spreadsheet or any other database program. Follow these steps to generate the export file named GAPOCKH.TXT.

The format of this file is at the bottom of this page.

  1. Begin by selecting "Run Program by Name" and entering the program name GAPOTXT
    Run Program By Name

  2. Select "Daily Sales"

  3. Select "Enter Range of Dates"

  4. Enter the Beginning Date

  5. Enter the Ending Date

  6. When the data has been exported, you'll see this message. Select "No" and then look for the file GAPOCKH.TXT in the software folder.


File Format.

This is a comma delimited text file with 30 fields, separated by commas. This is a sample of the data

 "02",0000368352,"0","1","2","088","088","05,"1",#05/14/2016 16:59#,#05/16/2016 12:00#,"33 ","000",0000000.00+,0000000.00+,0000000.00+,"0   ","    ","    ","    ",0000000.00+,0000000.00+,0000000.00+,0000000.00+,0000000.00+," ",0001," ",0000000.00+,0000

This is what each field is
1 Store Number
2 Check Number
3 Void Flag
4 Closed Flag
5 Shift
6 Cashier
7 Server
8 Terminal Number
9 Menu
10 Check Open Date/Time
11 Accounting Date/Time
12 Table Number
13 Supervisor if Voided
14 Product Amount
15 Tip Amount
16 Tax 1 Amount
17 Payment Type 1
18 Payment Type 2
19 Payment Type 3
20 Payment Type 4
21 Payment Amount 1
22 Payment Amount 2
23 Payment Amount 3
24 Payment Amount 4
25 Discount Amount
26 Discount Type
27 Number of guests
28 To-Go Flag
29 Tax 2 Amount
30 Covers

Article ID
Last Modified
 10/25/2017 2:45 PM