Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Setup - Execu/Suite PMS > Manager Menu / Setup > Hotel Control Files Setup > Guest Profile Tools
"Import Outlook Calendar" allows you optionally to import an Outlook calendar. The calendar events will display on the "Events" tab in the Guest Profile screen. These will show up for all guest profiles. You should set up a specific calendar in Outlook and not use your default calendar showing your doctor appointments, sister's birthday, etc. Once you have created the calendar, use Outlook's Export function to export the Outlook data into a Windows Comma Delimited file. Refer to Outlook's Help if you do not know how. Name the file EXECCAL.CSV and move it to the ExecuTech hotel folder. It will probably be in your My Documents - you can use your Windows "Search" feature if you cannot find it. Once EXECCAL.CSV is in your ExecuTech hotel folder, log onto Execu/Suite and go to Manager/Setup > Hotel Control Files setup > Guest Profile Tools. Click the "Import Outlook Calendar" button. At the prompt click Yes if you have done as instructed. Only do this once. You will not get confirmation. You can view a profile's Events tab to verify that the calendar information imported. "Rebuild Profiles" should not be clicked unless advised by Execu/Tech. "Use Multi-line for TAB2" if clicked will display a "free form" field in the Tab 2 information section of the Guest Profile screen. Unchecked will display a list of custom entry fields. "Multi-line for TAB3 (NotActive)" is inactive. "Require Market/Segment" if checked will require a market segment to be selected for each profile. If unchecked, the profile may be saved without a market segment selected. NOTE: A profile market segment may be different from a reservation or folio profile although they typically are the same. A market segment code is required for all reservations and folios. A profile source of business may be different from a reservation or folio profile although they typically are the same. A source of business code should be required for all reservations and folios. "Require email address" if checked will require the reservationist or front desk employee to enter an email address for the guest. (A character such as X will allow the user to bypass the requirement.) "Display street address on look-up" if checked will display the guest's street address rather than the city/state on a profile look-up list.
"Import Outlook Calendar" allows you optionally to import an Outlook calendar. The calendar events will display on the "Events" tab in the Guest Profile screen. These will show up for all guest profiles. You should set up a specific calendar in Outlook and not use your default calendar showing your doctor appointments, sister's birthday, etc. Once you have created the calendar, use Outlook's Export function to export the Outlook data into a Windows Comma Delimited file. Refer to Outlook's Help if you do not know how. Name the file EXECCAL.CSV and move it to the ExecuTech hotel folder. It will probably be in your My Documents - you can use your Windows "Search" feature if you cannot find it. Once EXECCAL.CSV is in your ExecuTech hotel folder, log onto Execu/Suite and go to Manager/Setup > Hotel Control Files setup > Guest Profile Tools. Click the "Import Outlook Calendar" button. At the prompt click Yes if you have done as instructed. Only do this once. You will not get confirmation. You can view a profile's Events tab to verify that the calendar information imported.
"Rebuild Profiles" should not be clicked unless advised by Execu/Tech.
"Use Multi-line for TAB2" if clicked will display a "free form" field in the Tab 2 information section of the Guest Profile screen. Unchecked will display a list of custom entry fields.
"Multi-line for TAB3 (NotActive)" is inactive.
"Require Market/Segment" if checked will require a market segment to be selected for each profile. If unchecked, the profile may be saved without a market segment selected. NOTE: A profile market segment may be different from a reservation or folio profile although they typically are the same. A market segment code is required for all reservations and folios. A profile source of business may be different from a reservation or folio profile although they typically are the same. A source of business code should be required for all reservations and folios.
"Require email address" if checked will require the reservationist or front desk employee to enter an email address for the guest. (A character such as X will allow the user to bypass the requirement.)
"Display street address on look-up" if checked will display the guest's street address rather than the city/state on a profile look-up list.
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