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Home > Execu/Touch Point Of Sale > POS Copy / Delete Records (GAPOCOPY) > POS Change item fixed tax amount

This function is rarely used; it applies primarily to bars with fixed taxes.  This program allows you to create or change the fixed tax amount (dollar/cent) for all items of a specified dollar amount for Menu 1 pricing.  The tax will apply to Tax 2.  For example, if all $4.00 items have a fixed tax of .08, you would enter those figures as shown below.  All items with Menu 1 price of $4.00 will have Tax 2 in the amount of .08.  No other taxes (1, 3, and 4) will apply to these items.

Go to Run Program by Name and enter GAPOCOPY.  When the "select action" menu opens, select 4, Change item fixed tax amount. 

Enter the store number then the item prices to tax, then the tax amounts as shown below.

Below is the item setup screen for one of the items with the tax adjustment.


These processes cannot be undone.  Make sure to back GAPOCNTL.FIL before proceeding.

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Last Modified
 10/13/2016 4:50 PM