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Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Procedures Execu/Suite PMS > Front Desk > Front Desk Operations > Guest Profile

Guest Profile

This is the Guest Profile screen where you enter or change the guest's details.

Guest Profile (People/Profile)

For most properties, the Profile Entry and Lookup window will open, allowing you to search the database for existing guest profiles.

As you enter the guest's name, Execu/Suite will search and start displaying existing profiles. If you see the profile for this guest, click the name with your mouse and then click Get selected at the bottom of the profile screen (not shown). If you do not see a profile for the guest, then type the entire name for the guest, such as SMITH, GEORGE and then click Create Guest Profile or hit Tab then Enter. The Guest Profile window will open.

If you know that a profile exists for the guest, search without entering the guest's name. There may be spaces in front of the guest's name, or it may be misspelled. If you still cannot find a profile, print an Activity Log for Name Changes.


This is the Guest Profile window.

Most of the time it is faster to press <enter> to move field to field than to use your mouse.


Section 1 (top left)

Profile ID: is preset by the system and is not changeable.

Company: identifies the company (01-99) you are in and is not changeable.

Guest Name: may be up to 30 characters. Common ways to enter guest name are LAST/FIRST or LAST, FIRST.  It does not matter but you should be consistent. There is an option in MENUINI.FIL that will allow you to enter first name, last name, and salutation into separate fields. The default is quick entry in which you enter the name in one field.

Guest Address: Each address line allows up to thirty characters. When you press Enter your cursor will move to the Zip field. If you enter the ZIP or postal code, the city and state/province will populate if in the zip code database.

City/State/Zip: The City may be up to 30 characters. State allows 2 characters. Zip allows 11 characters. For the city/state to populate, US codes should be five characters (ex. 32401), and Canadian codes should be six characters and a space (ex. G1A 1C5). 

Country: Optional.

Guest Email: A setting in Guest Profile Tools determines whether this is a required field. 


If you enter a guest email address, Execu/Suite can send confirmation letters and folios via email. For email settings click HERE.


Note: If you are not using Guest Profile but would like to enter an email address for the guest, select the Options button at the bottom of your check-in screen, then enter the email address in the appropriate field.  Save the check-in prior to emailing a folio or other form.


Main/ Business Phone and Alternate phone 1/2: These fields each allow up to 12 characters. You may use any format you wish but be consistent. (Examples:  850.215.4150; 850-215-4150; 8502154150)            

Market: From the drop-down select a market segment to define the type of guest or why they guest is staying at hour hotel. (Examples: corporate, sports, military). These are user-defined in the Hotel Control Files setup.

Source: From the drop-down select a source of business to record how the guest was referred or heard about your hotel. (Examples: website, Expedia, friend of owner). These are user-defined in the Hotel Control Files setup.

Section 2 (bottom left)

Hotel Comments:

  • Each field allows up to thirty characters.
  • These comments remain with the profile and will be available for future stays. If you wish to make a comment for this stay only, you may do so in the reservation.
  • HOTEL Folio Comment: will (by default) print on the confirmation letter, registration form, and folio. Do not type anything you do not with the guest to see. This comment (by default) also prints on reports such as Room Inventory.
  • Comments 2 and 3: These two comment lines do not (by default) print on the confirmation letter, registration form, or folio, but your MENUINI.FIL Configuration may be set to print these. If you have user-defined comments, then a little window will pop up with specific prompts where you will enter specific user-defined information. 

Guests: allows you to enter additional names and email addresses for this guest without creating new profiles.

Messages: allows you to type messages for guests. When the guest profile is accessed (via the reservation or at check-in), a popup will notify you if there is an undelivered message for the guest.

Traces: allows you to type internal messages for staff. When the guest profile is accessed, a popup will notify you if there is an undelivered message for the guest. You also can print Trace Reports by date range.

Events: allows you to import an Outlook calendar. This feature is rarely used; if you decide to use it you should have a designated calendar to import so that only relevant events are imported. The events are not guest-specific; all profiles will contain the same calendar information, such as a sporting, event, a jazz festival, an art show, etc. The calendar is not automatically updated. If you add new events to the Outlook calendar, you will need to import it again.


Section 3 (top right)

The first four of these tabs may be renamed to suit your purposes. See Guest Profile Tools.

The information in these tabs may be printed by date or date range in Print Guest Preferences

Guest Information: You may enter additional guest information here. This may contain user-defined fields or a free-form comment area, as determined in Guest Profile Tools. You may use these fields in any way you wish unless specified otherwise by Execu/Tech. This information can be included in Arrival/Departure reports.

Guest Requests (Guest Preferences): You may enter guest preferences or any information you wish.

Dining Preferences: You may enter guest dining preferences or any information you wish.

Housekeeping: You may enter housekeeping requirements or any information you wish. Note that this information does not print on the Housekeeping Report. You may print a Guest Preferences report.

Reservation History: This shows dining stay history for the guest if you are using Execu/Tech's Dining Reservations module. Otherwise, for hotel reservations and stays, you can go to People/Profile, select the guest's profile, and click "View Guest Stays"

Section 4 (bottom right)

Guest Notes: allows you to type additional notes or comments. You may use this area in any way you wish. "Print Info" will include this information.

CC Info: is no longer used. You should correctly validate a guest's credit card when you make a reservation by clicking the "validate card". Note that validations drop off after an internal determined by your merchant services provider and should not be stored for possible future stays. At check-in you should click "authorize card". 

Create SOF: allows you to create a special order form for billable services not provided directly by the hotel. Examples include babysitters or floral deliveries. These are rarely used but handy for certain properties.

Print Screen: will take a capture of the profile screen and send it to the printer.

Print Info: will print a "Guest Profile Address Card" that includes contact information and profile notes. Click HERE for a sample. These are rarely used except for certain properties.

Delete: allows you to delete the profile. You should take great care when deciding to delete a profile; it cannot be restored. If you are deleting one of a duplicate profile, you should make sure you have copied any necessary information into the one you are saving.

Save: will save the profile and exit the screen unless you accessed the screen via the People/Profile icon. In that case click "Exit".

Exit: will exit the profile. 

See Also:


Guest Name Changes-Profile

Guest Profile Entry and Reports

Article ID
Last Modified
 9/4/2024 12:49 PM