Home > Credit Card Processing > Shift4 Credit Card Processing > Shift4 Installation > Shift4 EMV Setup
API Terminal ID and PMS Terminal Numbers
IP Address and Port
Critical Information for Hosted Customers
Credit Card Masking
If this is a new install (you have never had Shift4) or your Shift4 install hasn't been updated in years, you must run a program to properly mask existing card numbers and prevent entry of unmasked card numbers in the future. The program name is MENUS4MK. See Run Program by Name.
You may need to obtain a new Access Token, especially if you're upgrading to EMV PIN Pads. Check with Shift4 to determine if this is necessary. https://www.shift4.com/support
API Terminal ID and PMS Terminal Numbers (They aren't random)
The default port is 17476, but can be changed to any unused port. This port will need to be opened for incoming traffic on your router / firewall. ***These are only examples, not necessarily your actual IP addresses. Private IP Address Ranges
We can't tell you how to modify your firewall and router. If you don't know how to modify the settings in your router and firewall, you should not be attempting to make these changes - you could cripple your network and lose internet access. Please contact an IT professional who is comfortable performing these tasks.