Home > Direct Bill / City Ledger > Direct Bill Introduction
Direct Bill in the hotel industry refers to a transfer of guest charges from the guest folio to a customer account for collection of payment at a later time. City Ledger is a hotel accounting term which refers to accounts receivable records typically maintained and processed in the back office rather than in the front office.
A ledger is a “book” into which financial transactions are recorded. In hospitality, you have at least three: guest ledger, city ledger, and general ledger.
Guest Ledger is the sum of all folios. A folio is a “page” in a ledger “book”. A guest “bill” is a folio. You have guest folios and master folios.
City Ledger consists of amounts due that were not collected in advance or at the time of check-out.
In General Ledger, both Guest Ledger and City Ledger are considered Accounts Receivable. Guest Ledger may show a credit balance if your policy is to collect payment in advance of charges posted (such as room charges, etc.). City Ledger typically shows a debit balance since the charges transferred from Guest Ledger (via a DB payment into the folio) are owed.
An invoice is a record of money owed for goods or services. When a guest folio is closed to DB, an invoice is created. This one-line transaction includes the folio number, room number (if guest folio), and guest's name. Each of these items is an Open Item.
When you receive payment from the customer, you post an Open Item Payment. The payment is applied to one or more items. The full payment must be applied. If it does not equal the sum of the item or items, you will need to overpay or underpay one or more items in order to apply fully the payment.
A Customer Statement is a printout of each unpaid (or partially paid or overpaid) invoice or item.
As stated in the previous section, hospitality accounting has two main accounts receivable types – Guest Ledger and City Ledger.
City Ledger handles Direct Bill (DB) processing in Execu/Suite™ PMS. It also handles A/R charges in stand-alone Execu/Touch™ POS applications. Execu/Touch™ POS (with Hotel) run charges through the Hotel system by closing POS checks to account charges. Both guest folios and master folios contain transactions. Payment methods, such as cash or credit cards, apply at the time they are posted. In instances where payment will be received at a later date, a DB payment is posted in Hotel to the folio, or an A/R charge is selected in Execu/Touch™. A person or company will be responsible for payment after the guest has departed. You will send that person or company a statement of charges. Upon receipt of the statement, the person or company will send you payment which you will post to the account.
Execu/Suite Hotel
Execu/Touch POS with Hotel:
Execu/Touch™ POS without Hotel (Stand-alone POS):
Wholesalers are handled through Direct Bill.
Membership Billing: the setup for Membership Billing creates a different configuration than normal hotel Direct Bill / City Ledger. It is unlikely you will need the Membership Billing feature, but it is included in this documentation for properties needing it.
NOTE: Execu/Tech Systems does not give accounting advice. If you are unsure of what to do as related to setting up accounts or posting transactions, you should consult your accountant.