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Home > System Requirements

System Requirements

If you don't understand the information provided, you should contact a qualified hardware and/or IT professional.

You are responsible for ensuring that adequate systems are purchased. We will answer questions from your qualified hardware and/or IT professional to help them identify systems that meet our minimum requirements. However, we DO NOT make specific recommendations on brands and models of computer or networking hardware. 


Topics on this page:

Basic Software Architecture
Network Requirements
Additional Software Requirements
Report Printers
Optional Software

Other pages in this category:

Computer Hardware
Other Hardware
Operating Systems
Data Security
Firewall Settings
Credit Card Interfaces


You MUST NOT install the software to the "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)" folder on the server. Microsoft virtualizes the user writable files, and as a result of this, different Windows users will see different data. We recommend installing to "C:\ExecuTech\Hotel" or your own preferred application folder.

If you've installed to the "Program Files" folder and performed some setup and configuration of the software, follow these steps to recover the virtualized data. Since only the data from a single user can be recovered, perform these steps on the user with the most complete data.

  • Open the folder "Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Hotel"
  • Move these files to the new HOTEL folder location.


The following specifications are a basic reference for the requirements of Execu/Tech application software products. Execu/Tech's requirements typically fall far below the minimum specs of a new business grade computer.

  1. DO NOT USE MAPPED DRIVES! Use the UNC syntax
    • Antivirus software must be installed on the server and all clients. Don't try to save money by not purchasing antivirus software. It will be a very costly mistake. You WILL get a virus without it!
    • Your antivirus software should exclude all files in the installation folder with the extensions: .fil and .txt. These are indexed data files, and plain text files and cannot be infected. Failure to do this can cause extreme degradation in the software performance, as each file will be scanned every time it's accessed.
      Note: We have seen an exception to this where antivirus applications will omit these file types from scanning by default. In some cases, adding them to the exception list causes a performance problem. If you suspect this is happening to you, run our Network Benchmark app under both conditions, with and without the file types added to the exception list.
    • You should configure the client computers to be sure they're not scanning the shared software folder on the server. Only the antivirus application on the server should be scanning these files. Failure to do this can cause extreme degradation in the software performance.
    • DO NOT run more than one antivirus application on a device, whether it be a computer or any other part of the network. This will cause extreme degradation in the software performance. Windows Security / Defender is running by default on new computers and must be disabled if your 3rd party antivirus doesn't automatically disable it. If you choose not to disable it, you must exclude the file types mentioned above.
    • Your antivirus software on the server should be scanning all file types that can be potentially infected (exe, dll, ocx, vbs, and many others).
  3. BACK-UP
    • Backup software and hardware are just as important as antivirus software. Without it, you risk losing all customer data, accounting information, reservations, advance deposit details, charge and payment details, etc.​
  4. COMMON ISSUES: Please read this to help avoid common issues: Common System Issues



Execu/Suite PMS & POS applications are installed at the server and run from the client via shortcut to a shared folder on the server (or via Remote Desktop Services or similar application.)

  • Execu/Suite PMS and POS use a Vision 3 database, and the database files are typically contained in the application folder. The database is driven by the application runtime and no other database application like MSSql or MySql is required.

This is the general application design:



Execu/Suite applications are written in several programming languages:

  • Most applications contain HTML and JavaScript, which is used to communicate with payment gateways, reporting, displaying data and UI.
  • Execu/Suite PMS and POS are primarily written in Microfocus Extend.
  • Execu/Suite Activities is written in VB.Net.
  • Most interfaces (Phone, Internet Billing, Movies, CRS, etc.) are written in VB.NET.
  • Web based applications (WebRes, DinnerRes, CRS Push Service, etc.) are written in HTML, ASP, ASP.NET and JavaScript.

  • Read our Firewall Settings
  • TCP/IP only!
  • Netbui and IPX/SPX should not be used because it will cause file corruption.
  • 100BASE-T minimum. Gigabit or faster is recommended.
  • Execu/Tech does NOT support hubs, and you shouldn't be using technology that old.
  • If data transmission encryption is required, you should use a reliable encrypted VPN between the client and server.
    If you're using Microsoft's Remote Desktop Services, you can encrypt it with an SSL or it can also run through an encrypted VPN connection.
  • WAN - Unless Microsoft's Remote Desktop Services is used, we aren't able to guarantee the reliable operation of our software over a WAN. Please run our network benchmark application to determine if your WAN will support running the Execu/Tech software. Network Benchmark
  • For remote support, we are only able to support the Windows VPN Client. There is no industry standard VPN device and our customers have chosen to use a variety including SonicWALL, NorTel, Cisco, Linksys, D-Link, Cyberguard, Symantec, Netgear, Juniper, Watchguard, Fortinet, and more. We cannot possibly install and operate all of these VPN clients at once and will not attempt to do so.
  • Disable Offline Files. For information, Google "disable offline files"

This is the basic layout of the typical client-server setup on a TCP/IP network:


Microsoft .NET 

  • Our software will use both the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and 4.7.1. Please have your IT professional verify that these are installed at the server and clients.
    Refer to this page for information on obtaining the correct .NET Framework version: Microsoft .NET Framework

Microsoft Internet Explorer and Edge:

  • Install the latest versions of both Internet Explorer and Edge if using Windows 10 or newer.
All customers using Shift4 for credit card processing must upgrade to Internet Explorer 10 or newer. Shift4 i4Go V2
Please verify that your operating system meets the system requirements for Internet Explorer 10 or 11. If your operating system doesn't support Internet Explorer 10 or 11, it will not work with our Shift4 i4Go V2 interface.
Internet Explorer 10 System Requirements
Internet Explorer 11 System Requirements


Microsoft Office:

  • Emailing confirmation letters, folios, etc. requires Microsoft Outlook to be installed and configured if Outlook is to be used in sending the emails. Email Settings
  • The Events and Catering module requires Microsoft Word to generate documents.
  • Refer to this page if you experience errors. Microsoft.Office.Interop

Shift4® DOLLARS ON THE NET® Requirements:

  • Dedicated high speed internet access to the Execu/Suite server with a static IP address.
  • Merchant Services Provider with a platform compliant with Shift4.  Shift4 works with all major platforms.
  • Microsoft .NET Framework™ 4.7.1.
  • Compatible browser for accessing Dollars on the Net (settle batches, view transactions, etc.) https://www.shift4.com/browsers.cfm

Execu/Vault Requirements:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.
  • 7zip is required to extract archives outside of Execu/Vault.

SAP Crystal Reports Requirements:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.
  • SAP Crystal Reports for Visual Studio Redistributable Runtime 32bit.
    Download the latest 32bit MSI: http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-7824
Execu/Suite OTA / HTNG Reservation Interface (TravelClick, Windsurfer, Genares, Synxis, etc.)
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
  • IIS with ASP.Net (required for a 2-way interface.)
  • SSL Certificate (required for a 2-way interface.)

WebRes Requirements:

  • WebRes
  • Windows IIS Web server installed on LAN with the Execu/Tech HOTEL server (can be on the same or different server than the server running Execu/suite).
  • Dedicated high speed internet access to the web server with a static IP address.
  • Web Server SSL Certificate

  • Laser - HP Business Grade (Used for graphical plain paper folio, registration forms, and all other reports. Recommended for all Windows Users).
  • Use ONLY HP printers that are network compatible and have full PCL support.
  • DO NOT USE HOST-BASED PRINTERS!!!!! Contact HP for clarification on printer model descriptions. We won't be able to offer support for Host-Based printers because they have known problems that can't be resolved.
    HP says, "PCAnywhere or remote desktop connections are not supported on a host-based printer, HP suggests using a non-host-based printer for this type of environment."
  • Brother printers: Because of the number of complaints we receive involving Brother printers, we do not recommend them for use with our software. They are known to spool but never print, print only one copy when more than one is requested, drop multiple print jobs when they are sent rapidly. Not all Brother printers are affected, but we can't test each one to be sure they work properly.
  • ***Ink Jet printers NOT recommended due to ink costs***
  • See Other Hardware.


HTML Editor

  • For modifying certain forms, such as Guest Folio, Confirmation Letter, Cancellation Letter, etc.
    *** DO NOT USE Microsoft Word to edit the HTML documents. Unless you are very careful when saving the file, code will be added that can render the file unusable.
  • Here is a short list of some HTML editors: (We will not train you in the use of these programs.)

    Microsoft FrontPage
    Microsoft Expression Web
    CoffeeCup HTML Editor

Free Simple Backup Tool:

  • Microsoft's SyncToy, Backup and Restore tool, and File History. These are free and all setup and configuration is your responsibility.


Critical Additional Information:

Computer Hardware
Other Hardware
Operating Systems
Data Security
Firewall Settings
Credit Card Interfaces
Cloud Hosting
Comtrol® Network Requirements

Article ID
Last Modified
 11/15/2024 1:19 PM