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Room Inventory and Availability

Inventory is imported from PMS.  To ensure accuracy, you should allow the PMS to send inventory/availability which will sync in CRS.  This happens automatically and regularly.  Inventory and availability are sent from PMS to CRS, never from CRS to PMS.  When reservations are made online, PMS inventory will self-adjust.

 Unless you have made specific changes in CRS that do not apply to or update PMS, you should be able to see your inventory and availability within the PMS.  However, if you wish to view CRS availability, there are a few places where you can do so.

Several settings can affect CRS availability.   Remember that availability goes only one way, from PMS to CRS.  Changes made in CRS will not be reflected in PMS.


Default inventory
House inventory
Periods of closure
Room type adjustments / variations
Stop sale limit
Availability by rate category
Availability by channel
Booking rules / closure dates
Calendar quick changes
Minimum stay policies
Automated revenue rules
Occupancy rules
Channel / IDS rules

Viewing Inventory and Availability


Default Inventory

If you are integrating your CRS and PMS, your default inventory will be imported and this section will be disabled on your setup.  If you are using Execu/Suite CRS without a PMS interface, then this will be active.

The default room inventory defines the default number of rooms assigned to the CRS for sale.  The default pulls from the quantity assigned in Rooms Setup .  In addition to these rooms, the operator can increase or decrease the rooms on sale through the "Variations" field, setting variations in the "Availability by room " page.

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House inventory 

This allows you quickly to set the sum quantity for all rooms for a date or date range.  
This is not recommended if you have PMS integration and/or want your CRS to match your PMS availability.

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 Periods of closure

This is used to remove all rooms from online inventory for a specified date range.  Guests will not be able to book rooms online on those dates.  You can set a message to display for guests looking at those dates.  This does not affect PMS availability.  If you wish to remove all rooms from inventory in PMS as well as CRS, you will need to set the rooms to out of order in PMS.

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 Events / groups

Setting up events and /or groups does not necessarily change inventory, and it is recommended that you not hard block rooms in CRS.  See Groups for further explanation.  

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Room Type Adjustments / Variations

If  you wish to make adjustments to availability by room type, you can do so, for a single date, a date range, or specified days (Monday, etc.) within a date range.  Note that this affects only CRS availability and does not make any change in PMS.  This does not change your inventory; it does change quantity available.  You seldom, if ever, would want to do this if you are integrating CRS with PMS but you should know how.

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 Stop sale limit

This is part of channel management, allowing you to set a quantity limit making no rooms available once that limit has been reached.  For example, if you have 50 rooms and have the stop sale limit at 20, then no more rooms will be available after 20 rooms have been booked.  The stop sale limit quantity is communicated to the channel.

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 Availability by rate category

This allows you to set availability for a pre-defined rate category.  You can set maximum number of rooms as well as minimum length of stay.  You also can set dates on which check-in and check-out are not allowed for the selected rate category.  

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 Availability by channel


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Allotments can be set for three categories:
  1. IDS (Expedia, etc.)
  2. Booking Engine (website)
  3. Corporate/ group agreements

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 Booking rules / closure dates / minimum stay policies

This is used to set closure dates and minimum stays.

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Calendar quick changes


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 Minimum stay policies


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 Automated revenue rules

Sets availability based on rate code and stay dates.

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 Occupancy rules

Allows you to set availability for a group based on availability percentage.  For example, if availability is 20%, you can set a rule so that ABC Company cannot book.

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 Channel / IDS rules


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Article ID
Last Modified
 6/15/2020 11:30 AM