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Year-End Procedures: Advance Deposits

​You should clear advance deposits for all outstanding cancelled and no-show reservations.


To do this, bring up the reservation, save it, and then click the "Deposit" button.  This takes you to the Enter Advance Deposit screen.  The existing deposit amount will display.


You can:

  1. Enter a charge code for a charge such as FORFEIT, CANCELLATION FEE, etc. If you enter a charge code do not enter a minus sign.
  2. Enter a payment code if you will refund the guest.  To refund a payment enter a minus sign.
  3. Combine a charge and payment code, such as a partial refund and a fee. 

The deposit should be zero when you are finished.


The system will ask if you wish to cancel the reservation:

  • Answer yes if the guest cancelled.
  • Answer no if it is a no-show, so that it will properly show as a no-show in the profile history.


  • You should never post to the advance deposit master folio unless advised by Execu/Tech, and only to make corrections. If you post to this folio, it may not work correctly.
  • You should never void a transaction in the Advance Deposit Master Folio.
  • You should never transfer a transaction to or form the Advance Deposit Master Folio.
  • The Advance Deposit folio exists so that deposits posted into reservations can be "held" and then transferred automatically to guests at check-in.



Look in your most recent audit pack for the report, "ADVANCE DEPOSITS REMAINING FOR CANCELLATIONS & NO-SHOWS".  This is the report that prints when "Update Advance Deposit Folio" or "Reorganize Advance Deposit Master Folio" is run from night audit.

  • Do not run this program in order to print the report.  This menu option is a program, not just a printout, and should be run only at night audit, after "Reorganize Files" has been run.  If you do not have access to the night audit packet you can ask the auditor to make a copy for you. 

Related Pages


Advance Deposits

Cancellations and No-Shows

Master Folios

Clearing Adv. Deposits Remaining

Article ID
Last Modified
 1/3/2023 12:33 PM