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Home > Execu/Touch Point Of Sale > Execu/Touch POS Miscellaneous > Add Comment to POS Guest Receipt

POS Check Messages

You can add short message and/or a long message to the end of the guest check from the Store Record. They will print at the bottom of each guest receipt.


Adding a check message requires you to open the Store Record. This must not be done while other terminals are actively opening and closing checks. This could cause application hangs and discrepancies in the check number.  If you must open the Store Record, please make sure everyone else takes a break from opening and closing checks.

Short Check Message 

You'll have to be a POS Administrator to do this.

From the POS Administrator menu, select Store Record.


You will see a warning:


Accessing the Store Record with active POS Terminals may cause problems.
Are you SURE you want to continue?


Make sure no other terminals are actively opening and closing checks. This could cause application hangs and discrepancies in the check number.

If you are sure, click Yes.


Once the Store Record is open, you can edit the Check message (newer versions may say Short check message.)

  • You have 3 lines of 40 characters each.


When you are finished, click Yes to save the Store Record.


Long Check Message


To add a second comment, such as a disclaimer, at the bottom of the receipt, click the Ck message button on the bottom of the Store Record screen.

Enter the message you want to print on the receipt.
  • Make sure to type 40 or fewer characters per line and press <enter> at the end of each line; otherwise, it will not print correctly in the receipt printing format.


Click Done to save and close the window.

Then click Yes to save the Store Record.


Here is a receipt with the short message, "THANK YOU", and the long message below it.


Note: If you require longer or fancier check comments, check with the manufacturer of the printer. Often, they offer extensive check commenting functions from their own driver.

Hotel PMS guest folio comments can be added in the Parameter Record.

If you want to edit the hotel guest folio template, click HERE for instructions.

Article ID
Last Modified
 7/31/2024 5:45 PM