Home > System Requirements > Operating Systems > TLS 1.2 Requirements
Please contact Execu/Tech Systems support to be sure you have the proper PMS and POS software updates to support the TLS 1.2 security protocol for credit card processing.
Your computers may also need operating system upgrades and patches as well as installation of newer .NET frameworks from Microsoft.
These steps must be performed on all computers that need to process credit cards.
TLS compatibility Checker
To help you determine if your computer is able to use TLS 1.2, we've created a simple utility that will tell you. Download it here TLS Compatibility Checker Any errors will be shown. This tests both your Internet Explorer compatibility and your .NET Framework compatibility (which may or may not work depending on Windows updates and patches). If there are any issues detected, you might see a warning like this:
Unable to load the required TLS 1.2 encryption protocol.
Please have your IT professional verify that Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 or newer is installed on this computer.
Click OK, and the window below will open.
If Internet Explorer is up to date, then it will likely pass the test even if the HttpWebRequest Method test fails.
In this image you can see that the .NET Framework that's currently installed is 4.6.2, so an upgrade is necessary. Even though the .NET framework might not be the latest version and should be updated, you might also need to do some Windows updates, so check that as well.
If .NET Framework is up to date and you have Windows 8.1 or Server 2012 R2, you should install this Microsoft patch. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3154520/support-for-tls-system-default-versions-included-in-the-net-framework If everything goes right you will see the following image.
OTA / HTNG Reservation Interface
System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = DirectCast(3072, System.Net.SecurityProtocolType)
In C#
System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = (System.Net.SecurityProtocolType)3072;