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Adjusting Statistics - AM Report

Your AM Report reflects your property's occupancy and financial statistics.  These statistics are created each night during the Night Audit Reorganize Files program.  There are occasions when you need to adjust your night audit.  For example, if Reorganize Files was not performed and the statistics were not created for that date but were created inclusive for the following date.

Here are a few important points 

  • Please read the following information so that you will have a better understanding of why and how to modify your statistics.

  • Adjusting the statistics for your AM Report is easy but you should tackle this task without interruption to avoid errors.  There is no "undo".

  • You should modify your statistics only to enter data from prior to your Execu/Tech implementation or to correct errors occurring during Night Audit Reorganize Files.  You should not modify statistics to post missing transactions from a prior date.  You should post prior transactions to a folio as usual.  Then after Night Audit Reorganize has been run,  you can modify the statistics to adjust the actual posting date and the date on which the transaction should have been posted.

  • Some hotels enter a beginning balance for in-house guests and master folios as well as existing deposits on reservations.  If your property did this, you will need to bear this in mind when entering past data from prior to the Execu/Tech implementation.  

  • The first thing you should do is print the AM Report for the date you are adjusting.  If you make an error you can go back and re-enter the information.  You will need a list of your charge codes, payment codes, market segment codes, and source of business codes.  You can print these from the Manager Menu.  You also will need a list of your room types.

  • If you are entering past data from prior to your Execu/Suite implementation, you can enter each day or you can enter MTD sums for the last date of each month.  Likewise for a prior year you can enter each day or month or you can enter YTD sums for December 31 of that year.  In the examples that follow, a MTD date will be entered.  The "current date" is 02/01/14.  MTD summary amounts are entered for 01/31/14 when modifying the statistics to adjust the AM Report.

  • If you are changing an amount, enter the new or correct amount, not the difference.  For example, if you are changing the Income RC amount from $100 to $250, you will enter 250 not 100.If the amount has zero cents you do not need to enter a decimal or the zeroes.  However if you are entering an amount with cents enter it thus:  250.23

  • It is a good idea to do one or two items at first and then print the AM Report to make sure it looks like you want.  Then you can make adjustments as necessary or continue with your list. 
Several sections comprise the AM Report, and each of these will be discussed:


Forecast information cannot be changed.

From the Manager/Setup menu, select Adjust Night Audit Statistics.  Older versions of will have Modify Statistics File.  


The Revenue Analysis shows your income, subtotals, and grand total.  Depending on your settings, this report can show average per room or average per item (number of times this item's charge code was posted).  You determine where on the report your income line items print by assigning an AM Report Line Number to the charge code.  See Charge Codes Setup for additional information.

In the example below, the AM Report's "current" date is 02/01/14.  There were no figures prior to this.  In order to create MTD and YTD figures, the statistics were adjusted for 01/31/14.  Each number entered is the MTD sum for the month of January.  The YTD column reflects the amounts for February plus the amounts for January.  Alternatively you can enter each day separately with only that day's figures.  The procedures will be the same.

  When you are in the "Type" field you will see the codes at the bottom of the page. 

Enter the code for the type of statistic you want to alter.


Press Enter to move from field to field.  
Use your keyboard up-arrow to go to the previous field.

Enter G in the "Type" field.
In the "Code" field enter the charge code you wish to modify.
Refer to your charge code printout if needed.

In the "Date" field enter the date you wish to modify.  
Use the format MMDDYY.

Enter the dollar amount in the "Amount" field.

Enter the number of units. 
This will be the number of times this charge was posted.

Press Enter at the "OK?" prompt if correct.

In the example below, the AM Report's "current" date is 02/01/14.  There were no figures prior to this.  In order to create MTD and YTD figures, the statistics were adjusted for 01/31/14.  Each number entered is the MTD sum for the month of January.  The YTD column reflects the amounts for February plus the amounts for January.  Nothing was entered for the prior year.  Alternatively you can enter each day separately with only that day's figures.  The procedures will be the same.

  When you are in the "Type" field you will see the codes at the bottom of the page. 

Enter the code for the type of statistic you want to alter.


Press Enter to move from field to field.  
Use your keyboard up-arrow to go to the previous field.

Enter T in the "Type" field.
In the "Code" field enter the room type you wish to modify.

In the "Date" field enter the date you wish to modify.  
Use the format MMDDYY.

Enter the dollar amount.

Enter the number of rooms of this type occupied for "No. of Units".

Press Enter at the "OK>?" prompt if correct.   

In the example below, the AM Report's "current" date is 02/01/14.  There were no figures prior to this.  In order to create MTD and YTD figures, the statistics were adjusted for 01/31/14.  Each number entered is the MTD sum for the month of January.  The YTD column reflects the amounts for February plus the amounts for January.  Alternatively you can enter each day separately with only that day's figures.  The procedures will be the same.

  When you are in the "Type" field you will see the codes at the bottom of the page. 

Enter the code for the type of statistic you want to alter.


Press Enter to move from field to field.  
Use your keyboard up-arrow to go to the previous field.

Enter in the "Type" field.
In the "Code" field enter the market segment code to modify.
For codes, refer to your market segment code printout.

In the "Date" field enter the date you wish to modify.  
Use the format MMDDYY.

You do not need to enter a dollar amount here.

Enter the number of units. 
This will be the number of guests of this market segment.

Press Enter at the "OK>?" prompt if correct.

In the example below, the AM Report's "current" date is 02/01/14.  There were no figures prior to this.  In order to create MTD and YTD figures, the statistics were adjusted for 01/31/14.  Each number entered is the MTD sum for the month of January.  The YTD column reflects the amounts for February plus the amounts for January.  Alternatively you can enter each day separately with only that day's figures.  The procedures will be the same.


  When you are in the "Type" field you will see the codes at the bottom of the page. 

Enter the code for the type of statistic you want to alter.


Press Enter to move from field to field.  
Use your keyboard up-arrow to go to the previous field.

Enter S in the "Type" field.
In the "Code" field enter the market segment code.
Refer to your market segment code printout.

In the "Date" field enter the date you wish to modify.  
Use the format MMDDYY.

You do not need to enter a dollar amount here.

Enter the number of units. 
This will be the number of guests with this source.

Press Enter at the "OK>?" prompt if correct.

In the example below, the AM Report's "current" date is 02/01/14.  There were no figures prior to this.  In order to create MTD and YTD figures, the statistics were adjusted for 01/31/14.  Each number entered is the MTD sum for the month of January.  The YTD column reflects the amounts for February plus the amounts for January.  Alternatively you can enter each day separately with only that day's figures.  The procedures will be the same.
  When you are in the "Type" field you will see the codes at the bottom of the page. 

Enter the code for the type of statistic you want to alter.


Press Enter to move from field to field.  
Use your keyboard up-arrow to go to the previous field.

Enter P in the "Type" field.
In the "Code" field enter the payment code to modify.
Refer to your payment code printout.

In the "Date" field enter the date you wish to modify.  
Use the format MMDDYY.

Enter the dollar amount.

Enter the number of units. 
This will be the number of times this payment was posted.

Press Enter at the "OK>?" prompt if correct.
When you are finished, reprint the AM report for the date you modified.
You can make changes as necessary.
Remember, when entering amounts - whether dollars or units - enter the full amount, not the difference between the prior amount and the correct amount. 
End of Document
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Last Modified
 5/17/2023 4:20 PM