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Cloud Launcher Install


Cloud hosting will only be as reliable as your internet connection. If your internet connection is lost, you will also lose access to the hosted software. You should consult your IT professional to determine if multiple internet providers should be used to provide redundancy.

Review the Cloud Hosting Firewall Settings here: Firewall Settings

Contact your Internet Service Provider for each remote location that needs access and ask for the public IP address, addresses, IP address range, etc., that each remote location will use. Please provide us with this information. We need to whitelist these addresses to provide better security for your data and ensure uninterrupted access to the hosted software.

Click here to see your current public IP address


Failure to provide this information to us may result in restricted access if a user attempts to log in with incorrect usernames or passwords. Never attempt to use credentials that Execu/Tech didn't provide. Contact us if you're not sure which credentials to use.


ET Cloud Launcher

Our cloud hosting application launcher only runs on the Windows operating system.


iOS tablets can use Microsoft Remote Desktop Mobile

Android devices can use Microsoft Remote Desktop

  • Credentials are stored in the Microsoft Credential Manager.

  • We recommend installing this application on all computers that need access to the hosted software.

  • If you or your IT professional are familiar with Microsoft RemoteApps, you can have the RemoteApp added to "RemoteApp and Desktop Connections." We don't assist with this method.




This application should be installed on every computer that needs access to the hosted software.

  1. Download the application installer here: ET Cloud Launcher Installer

  2. Because this is a relatively new application, when you install it, you may get a SmartScreen warning. As more customers download and install this application, the warning will stop appearing.

    If you see the window titled "Windows protected your PC" click on More info.

  3. Verify that the App is ETCloudLauncherInstaller.exe and the Publisher is EXECU/TECH SYSTEMS INC.
    Click Run anyway.

  4. If you see a pop-up with the message "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?" click Yes

    Note: After clicking yes, you may be asked to provide Windows Administrator credentials.

    If you have Windows 7, the window looks like this.

  5. In the first Installation screen, click Next.

  6. Don't change the Destination Folder. The hosted application will rely on this to save files locally. These files might be reports, exports, spreadsheets, etc.

    Click Install.

  7. When the installation is completed, click Close.

  8. Now you can follow the setup instructions: Cloud Launcher Setup

Article ID
Last Modified
 11/14/2023 1:00 PM