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Execu/Care Support Ticket System
With your Execu/Care Support Ticket Portal, you can create, view, and maintain support tickets right from your computer or mobile device. Try it out here: https://www.execu-tech.com/execucare/.


The following is a partial list of program development and enhancements:

Module / Application Description Notes
POS F&B F&B option to print up to 3 "suggest tip" lines



POS F&B - Shift4 Posts reduced amount returned from Shift4 when adding a tip that exceeds the amount allowed. Tip amount is reduced, then the remainder is added to discount.

POS F&B - Credit Card Processing

The POS on-screen credit card entry keyboard is no longer available due to PCI compliance.  
POS Admin - User Setup Employee/ Users imported from spreadsheet
POS Admin - Tips Option to set maximum tip percentage



POS Admin - Gratuity Option Optional selection of 2 percentages w/ auto gratuity



POS Gratuities - Check Summary Gratuities in separate column on check summary.
POS - Tip Entry on PINPad Shift4 can process tips entered on the PINPad. The UTG device must be set to prompt for tip;
POS - Employee "Close" "Close" option can be set to "C" only. Speeds up counter service by eliminating "preauth/close' prompt.
Inventory Control Transaction Batch Update can process up to 90 categories in a single batch.
PMS Night Audit POPUP shows number of logged-on users Reorganize Files
PMS Reservations Option to import import rooming list for group Uses tab delimited file.
PMS Folio Option New transfer option, "move", to move transactions from one folio to another by date range. Restricted to admin users.
PMS Folio Option Prevent master folio check-out Click "no check-out" next to room number when the room number is M.
PMS Room Types Popup shows number of rooms for that type, blocked but not picked up, number reserved, number out of order, number available for that date Right-click date / room type on grid.
PMS Tape Chart If "late stay" is clicked beside the departure date field in a folio, the room will show on the tape chart on the departure date. (Default is the room not to show occupied on the guest's departure date since the room is available that night.)

On the Tape Chart you will see a small yellow square indicating that this is late-stay "today" departure.


PMS Reports Charge/ Payment/ Adjustment Journal by date range - option to sort by room number.
PMS Group Reports Group Pickup report enhancement Additional columns and information
PMS Audit Reports AM Report includes group analysis
PMS Manager - Print Control File Lists Prints all fields that appear on the setup screens.
PMS Shift4 Credit Card generated receipt text expanded from 200 to 400 characters on print.
General Online Knowledgebase and Online Support added to Help > About menu.
Back Office - GL/AP "Latest open date" in GL Control Record, To prevent future dates in GL and past date for AP. Needs GL* and AP* updates.


Module / Application Description Notes
POS & PMS - Bahamas Penny rounding to nearest five cents for cash tenders In progress.
General Ledger Option to enter beginning date on Profit & Loss Report Default is current month, MTD.
Direct Bill Email Balance Forward Statements In progress.
Direct Bill OS A/R Charge Drilldown from Customer Detail Click Invoice (POS check) to display.
Execu/Suite CRS Enhanced Vertical Booking/EqualWeb ADA & WCAG Compliance Premium booking engine.
PMS Interfaces Enhancements to NAVIS Guest CRM guest relations
PMS Interfaces Enhancements to ALICE Guest experience management
PMS Reports Addition of Revenue Analysis by Room Type Automated Morning (AM) Report



Module / Application Description Notes
PMS, POS, Direct Bill Touchless credit card payment processing QR Pay, etc.
Execu/Vault Additional local storage location, additional email notification
Execu/Suite CRS Miscellaneous enhanced features Website booking engine, OTA channel management
Execu/Suite CRS ADA, WCAG 2.1 compliance Website Booking engine digital accessibility
PMS - Interface NAVIS CRM integration Hospitality guest relations, lead management
PMS - Interface PonoRez Integration On-line activities
Cloud Hosting Miscellaneous Enhancements
Back Office Additional options in AP and GL detail reports
PMS Payment Code change Entry of Master Folio number required on specified payment codes.



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Article ID
Last Modified
 9/19/2024 1:50 PM