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Home > Back Office > Payroll > Payroll Setup > Federal Tax Tables

The figures used in this Guide are examples only.  To obtain the tables you should use see https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs.

For Bahamas see Bahamas NIB setup

This is what a sample tax table will look like.  Each field is explained below.

Filling in the Tax Table:

Bahamas NIB Setup:

The figures below are sample only.  Please see http://www.nib-bahamas.com/ or consult with your tax authority or accountant for a current valid Contribution Rate Sheet and policies.

Note that in the first section, only Fields 1, 2, 3, and 8 are populated for Bahamas payroll.

Nothing is entered into the "Withholding allowance" fields.

In Fields 13 and 14, only the first line is populated.

Detailed instructions are in the previous section, Filling in the Tax Table

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Last Modified
 8/8/2017 4:39 PM