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Home > Execu/Touch Point Of Sale > POS Copy / Delete Records (GAPOCOPY) > POS Delete Records

Sometimes you want to delete some or all records in a POS store. Here's how you do it. 
You access this program by following these instructions. POS Copy / Delete Records.
Go to Run Program by Name and enter GAPOCOPY.  

  1. Select "Delete selected records" from the menu

  2. Enter your store number. The default is 01, but if you have multiple POS stores, you'll have to ask your management what the numbers are. 

  3. Select the Record Type to delete. If you just press Enter, all records will be deleted. If you only want to delete selected records, follow the instructions, below.

    Before you delete a record you'll be asked if wish to continue.

     After deleting a record you'll see a confirmation message.

    B = TABLES
    V = ITEMS

    • Enter E to delete EMPLOYEE RECORDS. This will delete ALL of your employee records in POS. The only exception to this is an option to retain Administrators.

      You'll be asked if you want to retain the administrators. We recommend that you answer YES, otherwise you will have no way to access the POS store.

    • Enter X to delete ALL EMPLOYEE PASSWORDS. This should only be done when the employee passwords are corrupted and unusable. Typically, Execu/Tech support would perform this task for you.

    • Enter B to delete ALL TABLE RECORDS. This will delete your table setup and remove all tables from the table screen.

    • Enter V to delete ALL or selected categories of ITEMS.

            Press Enter to delete ALL items or enter a category code to delete ALL items within that category.


    • Enter G to delete ALL CATEGORIES.

    • Enter M to delete ALL MODIFIERS.

    • Enter D to delete ALL DEPARTMENTS.

    • Enter P to delete ALL PAYMENTS.



These processes cannot be undone.  Make sure to back up GAPOCNTL.FIL before proceeding.

Article ID
Last Modified
 10/13/2016 4:10 PM