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Home > Year-End Procedures > City Ledger - Direct Bill

If you manage your direct bill transactions properly you should have smooth sailing.  Transaction batches should be updated daily or as often as possible at all workstations containing direct bill postings - including the batches created at night audit.  You should print a Customer Aged Trial Balance report at least once a month to make sure everything looks correct. 

As asterisk (*) next to the right-hand column means that the account is out of balance.  In other words, the sum of open items does not equal the displayed customer balance in the "Display account detail" screen for that customer.  The most common cause is a network communication failure during the processing of an open item payment, where the payment gets posted but not attached to all of the invoices the payment should apply to.  To fix this you need to first determine what transaction didn't complete.  Printing a Customer Detail will help, as this report shows all invoices applied to a payment.  Once you know what needs to be fixed, follow the directions in Fix Out of Balance Direct Bill Accounts.  Execu/Tech cannot tell you what needs to be fixed, as we do not post your direct bill payments. 

Another task to keep your direct bill accounts clean is to look for matching debit and credit postings that equal zero, and mark them "paid".  For example, if you have an invoice for 100.00 and an invoice for -100.00 they will both print on the customer statement as open items (unpaid invoices).  To mark them as paid, go into Enter Open Item Payments as you would do if you have an actual payment to post.  The code doesn't matter since you aren't receiving funds.  The amount of the payment will be 00.00 (zero).  When selecting the invoice to apply to the payment, select the credit invoice(s) first and then the debit invoices.  The credit invoices will have a minus sign by the amount.  The sum of all of the invoices applied to the zero payment must equal zero.

If you are using Execu/Tech's general ledger, you can print a Customer Aged Trial Balance.  The total should match the "A/R City Ledger" account in  general ledger.  If it does not you will need to go through the transactions to find the discrepancy. 

You should balance your ledgers and maintain your direct bill accounts regularly, not just at year's end. 

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Last Modified
 12/26/2013 4:16 PM