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Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Setup - Execu/Suite PMS > Other Settings > Editing HTML Letters, Documents and Forms

Editing HTML Letters, Documents and Forms

Many of the forms presented or emailed to the guest are HTML templates. You may wish to customize or edit these templates or add additional ones.


For new customers, Execu/Tech will customize the first HTML templates upon request. Additional forms and editing are billable as clerical services and are not included in Execu/Tech support.
  • These templates can be edited in Notepad or an HTML editor such as Microsoft Front Page®, Expression Web®, or those listed in the "Optional Software" section in System Requirements. DO NOT EDIT IN WORD!
  • You may also use our ETHTML Editor. Note: This is a FREE utility provided as-is with NO SUPPORT! The purpose of this editor is to allow you to modify the simple HTML templates used by our software. We don't offer instruction on HTML. If you're unfamiliar with HTML, start here: https://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp
  • These templates contain tags, which are in brackets { }. The tags represent information automatically populated from the reservation or folio. For example, the tag, {ARRIVAL}, will populate with the arrival date for that guest. Tags can be added or removed, depending on what information you want print on the letter/form. See HTML Tags.

DO NOT edit the HTML documents in Word®! This may insert code that breaks the formatting of the document when viewed or printed. Only edit them in Notepad or with an HTML editor!


Default HTML Templates

Multiple Letters or Registration Forms

Understanding HTML Tags

ET HTML Editor

Default HTML Templates 

Your software will come with the following default HTML template files:


Confirmation Letter, Printed GARLEWIN.HTM
Confirmation Letter, Email GARLETTE.HTM
Cancellation Letter, Printed GARCAWIN.HTM
Cancellation Letter, Email GARCANCE.HTM
Folio, Printed GAFOLWIN.HTM
Folio, Emailed GAFOLEML.HTM
Registration Form GAREGWIN.HTM
A/R (DB) Statement, Printed ARSTOWIN.HTM
A/R (DB) Statement, Email ARSTOEML.HTM
Thank you email GAGELET.HTM
  • If you do not see the file name you are looking for in your PMS software folder, you can find the default, unedited template files in the "templates" folder inside the PMS software folder. See Find Software Application Folder.
    You should make a copy of the file in the "templates" folder and paste it into the PMS software folder. That way, the original, unedited version stays in the templates folder should you ever need it. 

Multiple Letters or Registration Forms

You may have up to 8 Confirmation Letters, 7 Confirmation Emails, 5 Cancellation Letters, and 5 Registration Forms.

  • File names can have up to 8 characters (in addition to .HTM).
  • Name the files so that users can easily identify which form to select.
  • To make an additional template: make a copy of the existing letter/form template, edit the copy as needed, and save it with the new template name.
  • If you have multiple letters or registration forms, those file names will display in a popup when you select Print Letter, SendCancel Resv, or Reg Card. Below are some examples. You may name them differently.

    Confirmation Letter

    Cancellation Letter

    Registration Form

 Note: In order for the additional letters/forms to display on the selection popup, the letter/form names must be added to the file, MENUINI.FIL, in your hotel folder.

  • MENUINI.FIL is in your Execu/Tech Hotel folder and it should be opened in Notepad. (Right-click on the file name and select Open with > Notepad, or select Edit in Notepad if it is an option
  • The following line(s) must be added (if they do not already exist) and should include the file names of all of the letters/forms you want to be able to select from.


  • File names can be entered with or without .HTM at the end.

  • If there is a # sign at the beginning of the line, remove it.

    This is what they will look like in MENUINI.FIL. (Your actual file names will replace our example file names.)


When you edit the forms, do not edit tags (anything in brackets) or the brackets themselves. Tags, such as {GUESTNAME}, {CONFIRMATION}, and {ARRIVAL} represent information automatically populated from the reservation or folio. However, you can delete the tag altogether if you do not want that information to print.


If you wish to add additional tags, they must be inserted within brackets. To see available tags, print the document you wish to edit. Then go to the Execu/Tech Hotel folder and open MGPIN01.FIL in Notepad. This file will contain different tags for confirmation letters, folios, and registration forms, and is overwritten with each HTML generated. You will need to edit each HTML document prior to editing the next, or save the MGPIN01.FIL each time under a different name (File > Save as) so that you will have the information. The available tags are printed as follows: GUESTNAME~ and the information before the tilde (~) is the tag you insert between the brackets {GUESTNAME} when you edit the form. See example of an MGPIN file for a Registration form: MGPIN Reg Card.pdf

Some tags will not populate the document, but most do. If you have a special request, please let us know and we will let you know if this can be done and what the cost would be.


Here is a list of available tags for the Registration form: HTML TAGS - GUEST REG (GAREGWIN).pdf.

For new customers we will create the first HTML templates upon request. Additional forms and editing are billable as clerical services and are not included in Execu/Tech support. 

DO NOT edit the HTML documents in Word® as this may insert code that will make the document not function properly.


How to Open a Template File

You can open the file to edit in one of two ways:

  1. Find the file in your Execu/Tech Hotel folder. Right-click the file and select Open with and then select the editor you wish to use.
  2. Open the HTML editor you wish to use, go to Open and browse to the Execu/Tech Hotel folder to select the file to edit

ET HTML Editor


This is a FREE utility provided AS IS with NO SUPPORT!


If you want an HTML editor with more features, buy Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, Microsoft Expression Web, Adobe Dreamweaver, etc. The purpose of this editor is to allow you to modify the simple HTML templates used by our software. We don't offer instruction on HTML.


If you're unfamiliar with HTML, start here: https://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp



  • Miicrosoft Edge or Internet Explorer 10 or newer
  • .NET Framework 4.0

Where to find the HTML editor:

  • Newer software versions likely have the HTML editor on the hotel menu. Go to File > Special > Edit HTML Documents/Forms.
  • ETHTMLEditor.exe can also be found in your PMS software folder. Double-click to run it.
  • If you have an older version of ETHTMLEditor.exe, you can download the newest version below.
  • If you can't find the editor, your software probably needs an update.


  • You can download the editor here.
  • Extract the contents of this file into the PMS software folder. Find Software Application Folder
  • You must run this program from the PMS software folder or from the hotel menu (if available). You can try to create a desktop shortcut, which may or may not work depending on your connection method.
  • If you see this message, you need a software update. If you have internet access, the editor will still run, but any images will not display unless they're hosted online.


HTML Editor (old version)

  1. When the editor opens, you'll need to click the Open button and select an HTML template to edit.
    Select the file from the list shown.
    Do not select from the "Template Type" drop-down until you open the document. See Step 2.

    You'll be asked to verify that you really want to open the file.

  2. Once you've opened the template for editing, you should select Template Type. This will show you a list of template-specific dynamic tags that can be inserted into the document to display data from the database.

  3. Now you can edit the HTML template by adding or removing or moving things around.

    To add dynamic tags:
    • Click in the template where you want the tag to appear.
    • Select the tag from the drop down
    • Click the blue add button.

Email templates: Our emailer uses a similar editor: Email Settings


Article ID
Last Modified
 1/24/2025 12:12 PM