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Reports and Printouts for General Ledger  
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Print Trial Balance
Print General Ledger Detail
Print Balance Sheet
Print Profit & Loss Statement
Print Combined P&L
Print Chart of Accounts

Print and Update Transaction Batch - See G/L Processing .
Create file to import into Excel - See G/L Processing.

To preview, go to File - Select Printer - Preview (Print to Your Screen).  From the preview you can send the report to a printer, save it as a PDF, or save it as a TXT file.

Print Trial Balance

 Although the Balance Sheet is the primary report to print for asset and liability/equity accounts, the Trial Balance is a useful report as well.  You will want to print it at least once a month.

Enter the period ending date.  Answer N to "Do you wish to update account balances?"

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Print General Ledger Detail

You can print the detail for one account or for a range of accounts for a specified period.  This is a good report to print for tax liabilities, for example.


Enter the period begin and ending dates.

Enter the beginning and ending account numbers.  Enter through these fields to include all accounts.

Check "Print the specified department only" if you want to print the detail for only those departments.  For example, of your beginning account number is 6666.04 and your ending account number is 7777.04, only account numbers for department 04 will print, if that is what signifies your department.  See GL Setup for "department" explanation.

Enter a journal code to print if you want only that journal code, such as JE, to print.  Otherwise Enter through this field.

Type a reference to print if you wish or press Enter through this field.

You can sort by date (default), control number (batch) or reference.                 

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Print Balance Sheet

Your Balance Sheet is the primary report to print for asset and liability/equity accounts.   You should print it at least once a month to make sure your accounts are in balance.

Enter the period ending date.  Depending on your desire, check "Print current month separately" and "Print zero balance lines"  Enter the print sequence number.  Default is 1.

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Print Profit and Loss Statement

This is your income statement, showing income and expense accounts.  You should print this report at least once a month.

Enter the period ending date.  The period begin date will be the date you set up in the Control Record in GL Setup .
Default print columns are "current month" and "current year to date".  Click any additional columns to print.  See also Combined P&L.
Enter the sequence number you wish to use.
Answer "Y" to "Print zero balance lines" if you want those to print.  Default is N.
If you wish to Print by department, click this option.  Otherwise, you can skip the next four fields. 
Enter the first and last position of the department in the account number.  For example, in account 6666.04, the account is signified by the sixth and seventh position, which is the 0 (zero) and the 4 (four).
Enter the beginning and ending department to print or press Enter to print all departments. 
If you opt to Print by department, each department will print as a separate report.

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Print Combined P&L (current year, last year)

The combined Profit & Loss Statement is the same report as the Profit & Loss Statement except that it automatically prints current and prior year data including budgets.

Enter the period ending date.  The period begin date will be the date you set up in the Control Record in GL Setup.
Enter the sequence number you wish to use.

If you wish to print the General Ledger Account codes, answer Y to this field.
If you wish to Print by department, click this option.  Otherwise, you can skip the next four fields. 
Enter the first and last position of the department in the account number.  For example, in account 6666.04, the account is signified by the sixth and seventh position, which is the 0 (zero) and the 4 (four).
Enter the beginning and ending department to print or press Enter to print all departments.  
If you opt to Print by department, each department will print as a separate report.
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Print Chart of Accounts 

From time to time you will want to print your Chart of Accounts.  You should print it after your initial setup.

Printing by sequence number will print the accounts in the order that they will print on the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement.  Sequence numbers are assigned in Account Setup.

If you wish to print comment (section heading) and total lines that print on reports, answer Y.  This will help if you are formatting reports.  If you just need to see which accounts you can post to or direct transactions to, you do not need to print total and comment records.

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Sample Reports    

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Last Modified
 8/3/2017 2:52 PM