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Worldpay EMV PIN Pad Setup

Customers wanting to use PCI compliant EMV PIN Pads through Worldpay will use our interface to Worldpay's triPOS cloud service. It's simple and provides secure P2PE credit card processing using an EMV PIN Pad, the physical device used to swipe, tap or insert credit cards for processing.


Enable PASS

Your Worldpay account must have "PASS" enabled. Be sure to let your Worldpay rep know this. This is what allows card tokenization, a critical part of your credit card data security.

TLS 1.2

Before beginning the setup of EMV readers, you need to make sure your computers are ready for the newer TLS 1.2 encryption protocol. This may require Operating System upgrades, Windows Updates and patches. See TLS 1.2 Requirements


Number of days to store tokens:
  • To ensure that credit card tokens are maintained for an appropriate length of time, be sure that this line is added to the configuration file, MENUINI.FIL, in the Execu/Tech software folder:    ELEMENT-PURGE-DAYS=30,270
  • The number of days can be changed. The example above shows our recommended default of 30 days for Guest History and 270 days for everything else.
  • If this isn't done, then credit card tokens will not be saved and cards that have been tokenized will have to be swiped again when used.

Debit Card transactions:

  • To allow bank-issued debit cards that require a pin (branded cards such as Visa & Mastercard can be run as credit), be sure that this line is added to MENUINI.FIL:    ETPAYMENTS-ALLOW-DEBIT=TRUE

EMV PIN Pad Setup

If you have questions about any of these steps, please ask us before you proceed. You want this to get done right the first time.
  1. Edit the file MENUCARD.FIL (in the Execu/Tech software folder) and make sure the first line is EP. If you see S4, delete it and replace with EP.

  2. WIRED EMV PIN Pad: Plug in the EMV PIN Pad per the manufacturer's instructions. Sometimes a USB adapter is included but it isn't needed. Just use the network connection in the back of the device. This will usually require a network connection with access to the internet, so consult with you IT professional if you're not sure how to accomplish this. With most devices, an external power supply will also be needed and should be supplied along with the EMV PIN Pad. Even if there are no extra network jacks, you can install a small and inexpensive network switch to provide multiple network connections from a single jack. The network plug in the EMV PIN Pad should be clearly labeled, but if you have trouble identifying it, contact the manufacturer.

     If the EMV PIN Pad is going to be used in a location where the guest will be present at the time the payment is made, please try to make sure the PIN Pad is accessible to the guest by providing cables that are long enough to reach. This will further reduce the chance of a compromised credit card. If the credit card never leaves the guest's possession, you're less likely to have the card number stolen.

  3. WIRELESS EMV PIN Pad (ingenico iSMP4): Please follow these instructions to get the device connected to your WiFi network: iSMP4 WiFi Config Guide.pdf 
    You can continue with the next step after the device is on the network and has the Activation Code displayed on the screen.

  4. If the EMV PIN Pad is properly configured, you will see an Activation Code displayed on its screen. This code changes every few minutes so there's no need to write it down. You'll need to check the current code when you get to the step that asks for it.

    The EMV PIN Pad requires an internet connection. If your PIN Pad doesn't display the Activation Code or the TriPOS logo, then your device may not be connected to the internet, or a firewall may be blocking it. See Firewall Settings.

    If you don't see the Activation Code or the TriPOS logo, you will not be able to continue to the next step.

  5. When obtaining a Worldpay account, make sure they know you will be using the triPOS cloud service.

  6. Provide Execu/Tech with the configuration settings from Worldpay. 

  7. Using the Run Program by Name instructions, run the program MENUEPCO.

  8. In the General tab, enter the street address, and zip code, and set Mode to 0.

  9. In the Card Types tab, enter the corresponding credit card codes for each application.

  10. In the initial setup, we set up the Accounts tab first. This is because we need the accounts to configure the terminals in the Terminals tab.

    The Account IDs represent the merchant accounts set up for use with Worldpay. It's common to have more than one because of the differences in the payment processes between a hotel guest, a restaurant guest, or a direct bill guest.

    The Account ID(s) and Account Token(s) are provided by Worldpay.

    The Description is to help you identify the purpose of the account (POS, Hotel, AR, etc.) and is very helpful when you have multiple merchants.

    Scroll over to the right to reveal the Acceptor Account and the Terminal ID columns.

    The Acceptor Account is the same as the Worldpay Acceptor ID.

    The Terminal ID is the default Terminal ID provided by Worldpay.

  11. Open the Terminals tab.

    Each terminal with an EMV PIN Pad must be listed on its own line. Only non-EMV terminals can be grouped.

  12. Now go back to the General tab.

    First, click Save Changes

    Next, click Capture Device Setup

  13. Now you'll see the triPOS EMV PIN Pad Configuration window. See Worldpay EMV Cloud Config for instructions.

  14. After clicking Set, you may have to wait a few minutes. During this time, the EMV PIN Pad is being configured by Worldpay and you may see the screen update several times.

  15. When the EMV PIN Pad is finished with its setup, you'll see the triPOS logo displayed on the screen.

  16. We recommend putting a label on the EMV PIN Pad with the Lane ID and PMS Terminal number so it can be easily identified should there be a need to move it or troubleshoot problems. DO NOT COVER THE SERIAL NUMBER!

  17. Your EMV PIN Pad is now configured and ready to use! You can close the Worldpay setup windows and test the EMV PIN Pad by attempting to validate a card in a reservation.

See Also:


Worldpay Critical Setup Info

Worldpay EMV Cloud Config

Worldpay EMV Failure Messages

Worldpay EMV PIN Pad Troubleshooting

Worldpay EMV Data Flow

Worldpay Receipt Printer Setup

Article ID
Last Modified
 7/1/2024 11:33 AM