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Home > Execu/Touch Point Of Sale > POS Copy / Delete Records (GAPOCOPY) > POS Copy ONE record to another store

You can copy specified record types from one store to another.  For example, if you want to copy departments and categories) you can do so.  you can copy as many record types as you wish but you have to do them one at the time.  To copy ALL records to another store see POS Copy all records to another store.

The store you're copying to must exist or be set up both in Company Setup in System Administrator and in Store Record in  POS Administrator.

To copy one or more individual records to another store, go to Run Program by Name and enter GAPOCOPY.  When the "select action" menu opens, select 7, Copy ONE record to another store. 

Type the OLD store number - this is the store you are copying FROM.
Type the NEW store number - this is the store you are copying TO.

Here are the record types that you can copy.  Note that case matters.  For example V is menu items and v is item notes.


These processes cannot be undone.  Make sure to back up GAPOCNTL.FIL before proceeding.

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Last Modified
 10/13/2016 5:08 PM