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Home > Credit Card Processing > Shift4 Credit Card Processing > Shift4 Installation > Shift4 PMS/POS Setup (MENUS4CO)

  PMS / POS Setup


  If this is a new install, a customer that's never had Shift4 or your Shift4 install hasn't been updated in years, you MUST run the program for credit card number masking, "MENUS4MK".
You must run this program to properly mask existing card numbers and prevent entry of unmasked card numbers in the future. It's run using Run Program By Name

Under Construction


MENUS4CO is the name of this configuration utility. MENU Shift4 COnfiguration

It can be accessed using the Run Program By Name function and using MENUS4CO as the program name.

Run Program By Name


  • General

    IP Address    This is the IP Address of the UTG install. If more than one UTG is installed, this is the IP address of the one with the most devices connected.
    Port    This is the Port of used by the UTG referenced above. Default = 17476 
    Management Port    No longer used. Default = 17411 
    Timeout    How many seconds to wait before assuming the transaction has failed.  Default = 45
    Test Connection    Tests the connection to the UTG referenced above. 
    Authorize card when validating?     
    Web Browser Command    
    NetAudit URL     
    Auth Bar Speed (Sec)    Number is seconds the progress bar should take to reach 100%. Default = same as timeout. 
    i4Go Auth URL    URL used to obtain an Access Block (Authorizes your transaction) 
    i4Go Access Token    Access Token used to obtain an Access Block 
  • Merchant ID's 

    Merchant ID     
    Allow voice auth     
    Force cv2 pass     
    Access token (right click to generate)     
    i4Go URL     
    API password     
    API serial number     

    Right Click the "Access token" field to generate a new Access Token from the Auth Token provided to you by Shift4. Shift4 AuthToken, AccessToken, AccessBlock

    Clicking "Yes" will present you with a window with the prompt "Enter Auth Token for merchant". Enter the Auth Token and click "Ok".



  • Card Types

    Description    This is the description of the card type. 
    Hotel Code   This is the PMS payment code for each card type. 
    POS Code   This is the POS payment code for each card type. 
    S4 Code   This is the code send by Shift4 for each card type. 
    Card Prefix 1 - 12   No longer used. To maintain PCI compliance the card data is never seen by the software. 
  • Terminals

    UTG IP Address and UTG Port are only used if more than one UTG is installed. This will likely be the case if your EMV PIN Pads use a USB connection. Enter the values corresponding to each terminal.

    Beg Term    
    End Term    
    Resv MerID    
    Hotel MerID    
    POS MerID    
    A/R MerID    
    i4Go Y/N/E    
    RQ Pay Y/N     
    UTG IP Address    
    UTG Port    
    PinPad ID    

Article ID
Last Modified
 7/6/2022 4:03 PM