Home > Credit Card Processing > Shift4 Credit Card Processing > Shift4 Installation > Shift4 PMS/POS Setup (MENUS4CO)
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Credit Card Masking
If this is a new install (you have never had Shift4) or your Shift4 install hasn't been updated in years, you must run a program to properly mask existing card numbers and prevent entry of unmasked card numbers in the future. The program name is MENUS4MK. See Run Program by Name.
MENUS4CO is the Shift4 configuration tool in the Execu/Tech software. (MENU Shift4 COnfiguration)
General Merchant ID's Card Types
General Tab
Dollars on the net - NetAudit Auto Run Configuration
Connecting Popup
Merchant ID's Tab
See: Shift4 AuthToken, AccessToken, AccessBlock and Generate Access Token
Generate Access Token
Right-click the Access token field to generate a new Access Token from the Auth Token provided to you by Shift4. See Shift4 AuthToken, AccessToken, AccessBlock.
Clicking Yes will present you with a window with the prompt Enter Auth Token for merchant. Enter the Auth Token and click Ok.
Card Types Tab
Terminals Tab UTG IP Address and UTG Port are only used if more than one UTG is installed. This will likely be the case if your EMV PIN Pads use a USB connection. Enter the values corresponding to each terminal.