Home > Execu/Touch Point Of Sale > Execu/Touch POS Miscellaneous > FUEL sales in POS
Fuel sales in POS can calculate by quantity or by gallon. Calculated by quantity, the price is the amount you enter into the item setup. For example, if the price in setup is 55.59, the item will sell for 55.59 per item sold. Calculated by gallon, the price is calculated at 10% rounded up. For example, if the price in setup is 55.59, the item will sell for 5.56 per gallon. One gallon will sell for 5.56; ten gallons will sell for 55.59. Most commonly, in retail settings, fuel is sold by the gallon.
NOTE: If you sell by the litre rather than by the gallon, the calculations are the same.
Step 1:
Create a Revenue Department. The code does not matter.
Step 2:
Create a Category. The code does not matter.
Step 3:
Create a menu item as follows:
For quantity, the item description must begin with FUEL- including the dash/hyphen.
For gallons (or litres) the item description must begin with FUEL without the dash/hyphen.
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