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Home > WebRes  > Theresa's Test Page 1

Enter the Cashier's 3-digit I.D. number. The 3-digit ID is NOT the cashier's password used when logging onto Execu/Touch.

Touch OK.
Enter the Terminal number (1 through 99) assigned to this cashier.

Touch OK.

If you do not know the terminal number, launch Execu/Touch at that terminal.
You will see the terminal number at the bottom of the log-in screen
Enter the cashier's till amount, including cents. For example, $75 should be entered 7500 which will be displayed as 75.00 on the screen.

You may use the 00 button.

Touch OK.

The Cashier's ID number and name will display.
The Terminal number and till amount will display.

Touch OK if this is correct.


If it is incorrect, touch Cancel to return to the Cash Management menu where you can start over.

Article ID
Last Modified
 10/4/2024 3:06 PM