Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Setup - Execu/Suite PMS > Other Settings > MENUINI.FIL Configuration
Execu/Tech software has many optional features that are set up or flagged in a file called MENUINI.FIL. This file allows features to be turned on or off or set to a specified parameter. Editing this file should be assigned to someone experienced in editing configuration files. This file can be edited in Notepad.
A hash tag (#) in front of the string defines the setting as Disabled. For example, "#HOTEL-SETTING=YES", will be a disabled setting.
Nothing () in front of the string defines the setting as Enabled. For example, "HOTEL-SETTING=YES", will be an enabled setting.
Edit only the text after the equal sign (=) unless specified in the instructions below. For example, in the command HOTEL-MAIL-OUTLOOK=YES do not change "HOTEL-MAIL-OUTLOOK". Exception: You may add or remove "#" to enable or disable that line. See the information box above.
Only specific commands are allowed. See the list below or contact Execu/Tech Support.
These settings apply throughout all system options and usually are displayed as first in MENUINI.FIL
These settings are specific to the hotel environment. Hotel settings typically begin with "HOTEL".
These settings are specific to the point of sale environment and typically begin with "POS".