Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Setup - Execu/Suite PMS > Other Settings > MENUINI.FIL Configuration
Execu/Tech software has many optional features that are set up or flagged in a file called MENUINI.FIL.
DO NOT edit this document without first consulting Execu/Tech Systems.
Make a backup of this file before making any changes.
DO NOT edit the text in front of the equal (=) sign (with the exception of adding or removing "#" to enable or disable that line. See instructions below.) For example, in the command HOTEL-MAIL-OUTLOOK=YES, do not change "HOTEL-MAIL-OUTLOOK."
Only specific commands are allowed. See the list below or contact Execu/Tech Support.
Below are some of the options. This is not an exhaustive list. Most interface settings are site-specific and are not included in this list. Other settings have been excluded from this list for various reasons. If you have a question about a specific command, please contact Execu/Tech.