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MENUINI.FIL Configuration 

Execu/Tech software has many optional features that are set up or flagged in a file called MENUINI.FIL.

  • This file allows features to be turned on or off, or set to a specified parameter.
  • MENUINI.FIL is located in your ExecuTech folder. Find Software Application Folder
  • Editing this file should be assigned to someone experienced in editing configuration files.
  • MENUINI.FIL can be edited in Notepad.

DO NOT edit this document without first consulting Execu/Tech Systems. 

Make a backup of this file before making any changes.


DO NOT edit the text in front of the equal (=) sign (with the exception of adding or removing "#" to enable or disable that line. See instructions below.)  For example, in the command HOTEL-MAIL-OUTLOOK=YES, do not change "HOTEL-MAIL-OUTLOOK."


Only specific commands are allowed. See the list below or contact Execu/Tech Support.


  1. Locate MENUINI.FIL in your hotel folder. Find Software Application Folder

  2. Make a backup of the file before editing it.

  3. Open the file in Notepad.

  4. A hash tag (#) in front of the string defines the setting as Disabled. For example, #HOTEL-SETTING=YES, will be a disabled setting.

    Nothing (# removed) in front of the string defines the setting as Enabled. For example, HOTEL-SETTING=YES, will be an enabled setting.

    If you have a question about a specific command, please contact Execu/Tech before making any changes.

  5. For these changes to take effect, all users must log out Execu/Tech and log back in after you have saved your changes.​​

Configuration Options

Below are some of the options.  This is not an exhaustive list. Most interface settings are site-specific and are not included in this list. Other settings have been excluded from this list for various reasons. If you have a question about a specific command, please contact Execu/Tech.


ALL SYSTEMS: These settings apply throughout all system options and usually are displayed as first in MENUINI.FIL.


HOTEL: These settings are specific to the hotel environment. Hotel settings typically begin with "HOTEL".


POSThese settings are specific to the Point of Sale environment and typically begin with "POS".


OTHER: These settings are for specific modules, such as Execu/Gift, Accounts Receivable, Back Office, Condo, etc.


Auto Logout Timer START-LOGOUT-TIMER=1800 Sets auto logoff when idle, in number of seconds. 1800 seconds is 30 minutes. Applies to all workstations.
File>Special Menu Access MENU-SPECIAL-ENABLED=* Allows or disallows access to Special on the File menu. * allows only users with * permissions; otherwise uses 1-character Menu Permissions such as M or N from Menu Permissions in Employee Setup. Absent or disabled allows all users to access.
Credit Card Receipts-Quantity CCARD-RECEIPTS=1 Sets number of credit card receipts to print for HOTEL and POS. Available options: 1 (1 copy); 2(two copies); 2P (two copies with prompt before 2nd copy).
Exchange Rate EXCHANGE=4DIGITS Allows setting exchange rate in HOTEL and POS as if four digits; shifts decimal. Example: Disabled, Exchange rate of 25 prints second currency as 40.00 (first currency 1000.00). Enabled: Exchange rate of 25 prints second currency as 4000.00 (first currency 1000.00). See also below for Hotel, POS, and Back Office exchange rate settings.
Multi-Tasking Task Limits START-MAX-TASKS=1 When in multi-tasking mode, limits number of tasks (programs/screens) that users may open at the same time.
Worldpay Token Storage Purge ELEMENT-PURGE-DAYS=30,270 Purges Worldpay tokens after X days. The first number (30 in the example) sets days to keep Guest History token records. The second number (270 in the example) sets the total days for all records. After the designated number of days, the tokens will be deleted. Token deletion cannot be undone; you will need to create a new token by processing the card again.

Forms: Multiple Print Confirmation Letters HOTEL-LETTERS=DEPOSIT.HTM Specify up to 8 letters to select from when "Letter" is selected in a reservation. Titles must be 8 characters or fewer plus ".HTM" such as PACKAGE.HTM. Separate titles with comma; no space.
These HTML documents must exist in the ExecuTech Hotel folder. See Editing HTML Letters, Documents and Forms
Forms: Multiple Email Confirmation Letters HOTEL-EMAIL-LETTERS=GARLETTE,GARLETT2,GARLETT3 Specify up to 7 letters to select from when "Send" is selected in a reservation. Titles must be 8 characters or fewer plus ".HTM" such as PACKAGE.HTM. Separate titles with comma; no space. Example: HOTEL-EMAIL-LETTERS=DEPOSIT,NO-DEP,COMP,PACKAGE and you do not need to include the HTM extension.
These HTML documents must exist in the ExecuTech Hotel folder. See Editing HTML Letters, Documents and Forms
Forms: Multiple Print Cancellation Letters HOTEL-CANCEL-LETTERS=POSTPONE Specify up to 5 letters select from when a reservation is cancelled. Titles must be 8 characters or fewer plus ".HTM" such as PACKAGE.HTM. Separate titles with comma; no space.
These HTML documents must exist in the ExecuTech Hotel folder. See Editing HTML Letters, Documents and Forms
Forms: Multiple Reg Forms HOTEL-REG-FORMS=REGCARD1 Specify up to 5 Registration Forms. Titles must be 8 characters or fewer such as GROUP. Separate titles with comma; no space.
These HTML documents must exist in the ExecuTech Hotel folder. See Editing HTML Letters, Documents and Forms
Forms: Default Confirmation Letter per Company GARLEWIN.HTM-COMPANY-xx=GARLExxx.HTM Sets default confirmation letter for each company for hotels with more than one Company set up in System Maintenance. Replace "xx" with 2-digit Company. One command line per company. Titles must be 8 characters or fewer plus ".HTM"
See Editing HTML Letters, Documents and Forms
Forms: Default Folio per Company GAFOLWIN.HTM-COMPANY-xx=GAFOLxxx.HTM Sets default confirmation letter for each company for hotels with more than one Company set up in System Maintenance. Replace "xx" with 2-digit Company. One command line per company. Titles must be 8 characters or fewer plus ".HTM"
See Editing HTML Letters, Documents and Forms
Forms: Default Reg Form per Company GAREGWIN.HTM-COMPANY-xx=GAREGxxx.HTM Sets default confirmation letter for each company for hotels with more than one Company set up in System Maintenance. Replace "xx" with 2-digit Company. One command line per company. Titles must be 8 characters or fewer plus ".HTM"
See Editing HTML Letters, Documents and Forms
Forms: Conf. Letter HOTEL-LETTERS-BY-PROFILE=YES Consolidates multiple reservations for one profile into one confirmation letter.
Forms: Reg. Form HOTEL-REGCARD-COMMENT2=YES YES: Print Hotel Comment 2 on Registration form. Default=NO (do not print)
Forms: Reg. Form HOTEL-REGCARD-COMMENT3=YES YES: Print Hotel Comment 3 on Registration form. Default=NO (do not print)
Forms: Misc. FOLIOHOTELNAME=Hotel Universal by ET Optional Hotel name to print on letters, folio, and registration form instead of Company Name Setup in System Maintenance
Forms: Group Conf. HOTEL-CONF-LETTER-GROUPRATE=YES YES prints room rate for group reservation on confirmation letter. Default is NO.
Forms: Group Reg. HOTEL-REGCARD-GROUPRATE=YES YES prints room rate for group rate on registration form. Default is NO.
Forms: DB Reg. HOTEL-REGCARD-DB-RATE=NO NO does not print room rate for guests with DB guarantee code or payment type. Default is YES.
Forms: Folio Taxes HOTEL-ROOM-TAX-AUTO-ONE-LINE=YES YES prints on folio all taxes posted as a single consolidated line item. (You should check your jurisdiction's laws and regulations).
Forms: Folio # copies HOTEL-PRINT- FOLIO- AT-CHECKOUT-COPIES=2 Amount to set as default for number of copies of folio to print at check-out. Default is 1 copy.
Forms: Folio Description HOTEL-FOLIO-PRINT-CHARGE-DESCRIPTION=YES YES prints description of charge code instead of guest detail comment on folio.
CC Receipts, Res CCARD-RECEIPT-DEPOSITS=2 Sets number of credit card receipts to print when posting CC advance deposits. Options are 1, 2, and NO
CC Receipts, C/in CCARD-RECEIPT-CHECKIN=1 Sets number of credit card receipts to print when posting CC payment or preauthorizing CC at check-in. Options are 1, 2, and NO
CC Receipts, C/out CCARD-RECEIPT-CHECKOUT=NO Sets number of credit card receipts to print when posting CC payment at check-out. Options are 1, 2, and NO
Email HOTEL-ASK-LETTER-DEFAULT=E E places "E" in the "Confirm letter?" field in new reservations, to send email confirmation automatically. N places "N" in this field; must press "send" on demand. Also excludes from queue for batch printing of confirmation. Default is Y which places the reservation in the queue for batch printing.
Tape Chart HOTEL-ROOM-AVAIL-GRID-ROWS=50 Number of rows to display on Tape Chart. Default is 32.
Tape Chart HOTEL-TAPECHART-VPADDING=30 Reduces the vertical size of grid boxes, allowing more rooms to display per page. Default is 60.
Tape Chart HOTEL-ROOM-AVAIL-DEFAULT-DATE=-1 Allows tape chart to show one day prior. Assists in viewing current day's checkouts. Enter 1 or 2.
Tape Chart HOTEL-ROOM-AVAIL-RATE-PERSONS=2 "Number of persons" rate to display on Tape Chart. Default is 1.
Tape Chart HOTEL-ROOM-AVAIL-ASK-ROOMTYPE=NO Popup to ask for room type on Tape Chart display. Default is YES.
Tape Chart HOTEL-ROOM-AVAIL-ASK-ROOM=NO Popup to ask for beginning room number on Tape Chart display. Default is YES.
Tape Chart HOTEL-ROOM-AVAIL-ASK-ROOMRATE=NO Popup to ask for rate code when displaying the Tape Chart.
Front Desk HOTEL-DISPLAY-MASTER-FOLIOS=YES Master folios displayed by default in Guest Lookup screen in Post or Display Folio.
Front Desk HOTEL-R&T-TO-MASTER-AT-CHECKOUT=YES Posts Room & Tax charges to master folio at checkout. Default is nightly (NO).
Front Desk HOTEL-CHECK-OUT-FEE=RFEE,10,N,SPA* Posts charge at checkout as a percentage of revenue. RFEE is the charge code to post (replace with your charge code); 10 is the percentage of revenue to calculate (replace with yours); N is do not include taxes (Y to include taxes); SPA* signifies charge codes NOT included (replace with yours).
Front Desk HOTEL-POST-ROOM-TAX-AT-CHECKIN=YES Entire stay room & tax charges post at check-in. Not recommended.
Front Desk HOTEL-DEPOSIT-TO-MASTER=YES At check-in the advance deposit transfers to master folio if it exists; otherwise transfer to guest folio
Front Desk PAYMENT-MAXIMUM-HOTEL=10000 Sets maximum amount to post when posting payments. 10000 $10,000.00. Disallows posting more in a single payment.
Front Desk HOTEL-PACKAGE-POS-CREDIT=REST For customers using Execu/Touch POS, charge code to use when crediting POS charges against package charges. Replace REST with your code POS clearing code. Code must be in package setup. Credit is applied at check-out. Example, POS charge is $50 and package REST is $40. Guest will owe $10 at check-out for this transaction.
Front Desk HOTEL-ASK-POST-RT-AGAIN=YES Sets default answer YES or NO to "Post room and tax again tonight for this guest". Sets answer; does not disable or enable the prompt. Default is NO.
Front Desk HOTEL-ASK-POST-MORE-DEFAULT=YES Sets default answer YES nor NO to "Post any more charges or payments" during check-out. Sets answer; does not disable or enable the prompt. Default is NO.
Front Desk HOTEL-ASK-EXTEND-STAY=YES Enables or disables prompt asking if you want to extend guest's stay when cash payment is posted. Default is YES.
Front Desk HOTEL-VOID-USE-PASSWORD=YES YES requires the adjustment password for all voids. NO is the default.
Front Desk HOTEL-ALLOW-RES-CC-AT-CHECKIN=YES YES enables using credit card "on file" at check-in, using the advance deposit credit card. NO makes card swipe required.
Front Desk HOTEL-QUOTE-PACKAGE-TAX=NO NO displays the "amount due" not including tax. Default is YES (amount due includes tax).
Front Desk HOTEL-ASK-RESV-CHECKOUT=NO NO disables popup prompt "Do you wish to make a reservation for this guest now?" at check-out. Default YES (does ask).
Reservations HOTEL-NEXT-BUTTON-BY-NAME=YES Enables "next" button on a reservation to go to the next reservation with the same name/address.  Also "previous".
Payments PAYMENT-MAXIMUM-HOTEL=1000 Sets maximum dollar amount users are allowed to post in a single transaction. 1000 is $1,000.
Autopost HOTEL-INCLUDE-AUTOPOST=YES YES includes Auto-Post charges in "total room and tax" displayed at check-in. Default is NO.
Guest Profile HOTEL-GUEST-PROFILE=YES YES displays the guest profile lookup list so that you can select an existing profile at check-in (walk-in) or new reservation or create a new reservation. Recommended for properties with returning guests. AUTO displays the new profile window allowing you to create a new profile or click to find existing. NO disables guest profile, for properties not needing profile information for guests. Default is YES.
Guest Profile HOTEL-LETTERS-BY-PROFILE=YES YES consolidates multiple reservations for one profile into one confirmation letter.
Guest Profile HOTEL-PROFILE-SPLIT-NAME=YES YES creates a Profile popup prompt for salutation, first name, last name in separate fields.
Email HOTEL-MAIL-OUTLOOK=YES YES Uses Outlook® to email folios, confirmation letters. NO, absent, or disabled uses ExecEmail which must be configured.
Adv. Deposits HOTEL-DEPOSIT-DUE-DAYS=8 Displays deposit due date in reservation to designated number of days before arrival. Absent or disabled sets due date 7 days before arrival.
Adv. Deposits HOTEL-DEPOSIT-METHOD=FIRST-NIGHT Displays "Deposit req'd" in reservation as first night's room and tax (or package) amount.
Adv. Deposits HOTEL-DEPOSIT-METHOD=50% Displays "Deposit req'd" in reservation as 50% of entire stay. Set the percentage amount as appropriate for your policy.
Adv. Deposits HOTEL-DEPOSIT-METHOD=FIXED 200.00 Displays "Deposit req'd" in reservation as a fixed amount in dollars and cents. Do not change "FIXED". Edit amount as appropriate for your policy.
Adv. Deposits HOTEL-DEPOSIT-DETAIL-AT-CHECK-IN=YES YES allows each deposit posting to transfer into the guest folio at check-in. Default is NO, with a summary (one line) transfer.
Exchange Rate EXCHANGE-RATE-HOTEL=000.028571429 Exchange rate allows up to 9 digits to the left and to the right of the decimal on folios.
Res- Room Assignments HOTEL-ROOM-ASSIGNMENT-GRID=YES YES allows grid room assignment for group reservations. Does not display or check room type availability. Not recommended for most properties.
Res-Room Assignments HOTEL-REQUIRE-ROOM-NUMBER-RESERVATIONS=YES YES requires room number to be entered on reservations. Default is NO, does not require room number if Room Type field is populated.
Res-Future Days Limit HOTEL-RES-FUTURE-DAYS=365 Designates maximum number of days into the future that a reservation's arrival date may be.
Rates-Setup HOTEL-WEEKEND-RATES-PERCENT=YES Allows weekend rates as percentage of non-weekend rates rather than dollar amount.
Rate Codes-Titles HOTEL-ROOM-RATE-TITLES=Premium,Normal,AAA/AARP,10% Discount,Player's club Renames rate code descriptions/titles displayed on rate code grid
Rates-Stay Length HOTEL-DAYS-STAY- RATE=1-6:1,7-30:2, 31-999:3 Default rate code in reservation depends on length of stay. Key is: stay-stay:code,stay-stay:code
Example at left: 16 days is Rate Code 1, etc.
Rates-Keep High HOTEL-KEEP-RATE-HIGH=YES YES prevents room rate from going down during guest's stay regardless of season definitions/rates.
Minimum Stay HOTEL-MINIMUM-STAY-BY-ARRIVAL-DATE=YES Minimum nights stay applies to arrival date only rather than to any date within the season record's defined date range.
Tax Exempt HOTEL-TAX-EXEMPT-DEFAULT=Y Sets default "tax exempt" to Y in reservation and check-in. Default is N.
Night Audit HOTEL-QUICK-AUDIT=YES Not recommended. Step-by-step true audit is recommended.
Travel Agency Lookup HOTEL-TRAVEL-AGENCY-NAME-LOOKUP=NO Lookup travel agency by TA code instead of by name. Default is YES.
Travel Agency Comm. HOTEL-TRAVEL-AGENCY-REVENUE=XXXX,XXXX Allows up to three revenue codes to be used in TA commission calculation. Replace XXXX with Hotel charge codes.
Travel Agency Comm. HOTEL-TRAVEL-AGENCY-EXCLUSIVE-CODE=XXXX If this charge exists in a folio, 100% will post to TA commission. Replace XXXX with the charge code.
Travel Agency Comm. HOTEL-TRAVEL-AGENCY-REVENUE=PACKAGE-ONLY Entire package is calculated in TA commission; Room Charge only is calculated for non-package guests.
Reports GADAILYR-REV-AVERAGE-SET=2 Sets default for "revenue average" from "per room" to "per item". Can still be changed when printing AM Report.
Reports HOTEL-RES-STATUS-REPORT-SPECIAL=PRINT-DAY-ROOMDESC Adds arrival day (such as Saturday) and room type to Reservation Status Reports. Adds 2 extra lines per reservation.
Reports HOTEL-STATS-INCLUDE-AR=YES YES prints current-day charges posted into A/R (direct bill) on the AM Report and Daily Report. Not commonly done.
Reports HOTEL-ADDITIONAL-ADR-REVENUE=XXXX,XXXX Allows up to ten charge codes in addition to RC* to be included in ADR calculation on AM Report and Daily Report.
Reports HOTEL-ADDITIONAL-ROOM-REVENUE=XXXX,XXXX Allows up to ten charge codes in addition to RC* to be included in Room Revenue in Report Generator.
Reports HOTEL-RESERVATION-NOCOUNT-MARKET=HOLD Reservations with this market segment are excluded from the Advance Booking Analysis on the AM Report. Replace HOLD with the appropriate market segment code.
Reports HOTEL-AUDIT-EMAIL=em1@email.com,em2@email.com Email audit report archive YYYYMMDD.TXT to up to four addresses
Reports HOTEL-SHIFTS=AM:0700:1459,PM:1500:2259 Allows printing Cashier Report and Journals by shift. Up to four shifts may be defined, each separated by comma. In the example, AM is the shift name; 0700 is the shift start time; 1459 is the shift end time.
Reports-Export HOTEL-AUDIT-DETAIL-EXPORT=YES Enables creation of tab delimited file at night audit. Contains each charge, payment, and adjustment.

Taxes NOTAX-TOGO=YES YES: Do not add tax to To-Go orders. Default is NO (do charge tax).
Taxes NOTAX-FF=YES YES disables the "no tax" button on the POS Total screen. Default is NO (button enabled). Applies to Fast Food only.
Taxes POS-SELECT-TAX=YES YES places a "Select Tax" button on the Total screen. Default is NO; button does not exist; all applicable taxes will calculate based on Store Record and Menu Item setup.
Taxes BEVERAGE-TAX-CODE=2 DEPT=xxxx Use Tax 2 in Department XXXX only. Used to charge beverage tax in dining room but not in bar. Requires separate Revenue Department for taxable and non-taxable items. See next item for other option.
Taxes POS-BEVERAGE-TAX-INCLUDED=YES YES causes tax on beverage (Category type B) in bar terminals (location B) to be included in item price.
Taxes-VAT VAT-POS=B,1,100012345 VAT Authority (B=Bahamas),VAT Tax (tax # 1-4 in POS Store Record), Supplier's tax ID.
Taxes - Gratuity POS-TAX-GRAT=YES YES charges sales on gratuity. Default is NO (do not charge tax on gratuity).
Taxes - Gratuity POS-TAX-GRAT=COMPANY 01 YES charges tax on gratuity for company XX only.
TIP POS-MULTIPLE-TIPS=NO NO does not prompt for multiple tips when split tendering a check. Default is YES (does prompt)
Exchange Rate EXCHANGE-RATE-TITLE=U.S.,DOMINICAN,EURO Edit for POS exchange rate titles. Insert comma but no space between each title. You can have up to three in this order: secondary1,secondary2,secondary3
Exchange Rate EXCHANGE-RATE=000.5000 Edit for exchange rate primary/secondary. You can have up to three in this order: secondary1,secondary2,secondary3
Gratuity POS-AUTO-GRATUITY=YES YES automatically adds calculated gratuity to check when check is totaled.
Gratuity POS-AUTO-GRATUITY-BUTTON=YES YES adds button to the total screen to allow server to add calculated gratuity. Less keystrokes than the regular Gratuity button.
Gratuity POS-GRAT-DESCRIPTION=Service Charge Customizable description for Gratuity postings.
Discount POS-DISCOUNT2=OFF OFF does not display "DISCOUNT 2" button on the POS Total Screen. Default is YES, shows Discount 2 button.
Discount POS-VIP-DESCRIPTION=VIP VIP is description of Discount button for VIP (Special Customer) discount.
Discount POS-VIP-DISCOUNT-CODE=V Discount code for VIP Discount
Payment & Tendering PAYMENT-MAXIMUM-POS=1000 Sets maximum amount to allow for each payment. Eliminates accidental overcharging. 1000 equals $1000. Displays "Invalid payment amount" when posting greater amount than allowed.
Payment & Tendering POS-QUICK-CASH-ASK-AMT-TENDERED=NO NO does not ask for amount tendered on quick cash setting. Default is YES (does ask).
Payment & Tendering POS-HOTEL-LIMIT-CHECK=NO NO will not check hotel guests' credit limit when posting room charges. Default is YES, does check credit limit.
Payment & Tendering POS-HOTEL-CHOOSE-SPLIT=NO NO does not allow server to choose primary or secondary folio when posting room charges for guests with split folios. Default is YES (does allow)
Payment & Tendering POS-ASK-PREAUTH=NO NO assumes preauthorization when swiping credit card. Does not ask to preauthorize or close check. YES asks to preauthorize or close check.
Payment & Tendering POS-REQUIRE-PASSWORD-VOID-PREAUTH=YES YES requires supervisor password or void permissions to void a preauthorization. Default is NO (does not require).
Tab Creation POS-CCARD-TAB-LIMITS=25.00 50.00 100.00 Up to 3 credit limits available when using credit card tab feature.
To Go POS-ASK-TOGO-NAME=NO NO does not ask for customer name with To-Go orders. Default is YES (does ask).
To Go POS-TOGO-TYPES=HOTEL GUEST,OTHER The TO-Go feature will allow up to four "locations". These print on the “Register/shift/day/type totals” To Go reports. Comma but no space between each location.
Table Screen DISPLAY-TABLE-STATUS=NO NO does not display tables in different colors. Default is YES, does show different colors (white no open checks; yellow open checks).
End of Day POS-END-OF-DAY-CUTOFF=0800 Sets latest possible time to run End of Day Close for previous business day. Also sets earliest possible closing time for current business day.
Printing POS-KIT-PRINT-STORENAME=YES YES prints store name at the top of each remote chit. Default is NO.
Printing POS-KIT-PRINT-DASHES=NO NO does not print dashes between departments on remote chit. Default is YES (does print dashes).
Printing POS-FF-REMOTE-AT-TOTAL=NO NO does not print to remote printers at check total in Fast Food. Default is YES.
Printing POS-PRINT-TRAIN-VOID=NO NO does not print "VOID" on training checks. Default is YES, does print VOID.
Printing POS-ASK-ITEMIZED-RECEIPT=NO NO does not ask to print an itemized check after credit card preauthorization prints. Default is NO (does ask).
Printing CCARD-RECEIPT-POS-FINAL=NO NO does not print a final credit card receipt when closing a check. Default is YES (does print final CC receipt).
Printing POS-SHOW-CREDIT-CARD-TIPS=YES YES shows credit card tip total (processed credit cards only) on Cashier Report. Default is NO.
Printing SHOWTIP=YES YES shows cash less charge tips and cash due on Cashier Reports even if not using Paid-Outs. Default is NO.
Export POS-CREATE-CSV-FILES=YES YES creates 2 files in the CSVFOLDER at End of Day. File names are POS-CHECK-HEADER.CSV and POS-CHECK-DETAIL.CSV.
Inventory INVENTORY-ITEM-TAXABLE-DEFAULT=YYNN Default answer to four tax codes on new inventory items.
Inventory INV-PHYSICAL-UNITS=ALL Prompts for ALL units of measure when entering physical inventory. Default is Stock unit only.
Inventory POS-INVENTORY-COMPANY=xx Edit xx to the company/store containing inventory files accessed by POS.
Inventory POS-INVENTORY-COMPANY-xx-TERMINAL=yy Edit xx to the company/store containing inventory files accessed by POS. Edit yy to the specified terminal number accessing those files. This command line may be set multiple times if needed for separate terminals.
Inventory POS-INVENTORY-SHOW-BUTTON=YES YES sets up POS items from inventory items with "A" in the menu setting for each item. Default is NO (places Y in the menu setting). "A" allows the item to display on the POS keyboard/item entry screen. "Y" is for scanning only.
Inventory POS-INVENTORY-PROMPT-ITEM=YES YES prompts for the POS item number when setting up a new item in inventory, in Retail mode. Default is NO (adds new POS item based on highest number already existing. (Adds i00N if the highest existing number is i00M for example.)
Inventory POS-INVENTORY-PROMPT-STORE=YES YES prompts for POS company/store when setting up a new item in inventory.
Inventory INVENTORY-VENDOR-COMPANY=POS-HOTEL-COMPANY Accesses the vendors in the Hotel company for inventory.
Time Clock POS-TIMECLOCK-PROMPT-WORK-CODE=NO NO does not prompt for Work Code when clocking in. Default is YES (does prompt for Work Code).
Time Clock POS-TIMECLOCK-EXIT=NO NO does not allow exiting the timeclock on the POS screen.
Time Clock POS-TIMECLOCK-SUPERVISED=YES YES requires supervisor password when clocking in or out. Default is NO, does not require Supervisor password.
Time Clock POS-EDIT-OWN-TIMECLOCK=NO NO disallows editing of employee's own timeclock even if the employees has timeclock edit permissions.
A/R-Billing POS-AR-PAYMENT-ON-ACCOUNT=YES YES enables posting to A/R account from POS Main Menu. For stand-alone POS without Hotel PMS. Customer must be Balance Forward customer type and not Open Item customer type. Not to be used with Credit Card interface (Worldpay or Shift4). Default is NO.
A/R Billing POS-AR-LOOKUP-ALLOW=NO NO disables lookup of A/R customers during check closing in POS. Default is YES (enables lookup).
Table Management POS-TABLE-MG-NORES=YES YES allows Table Management to run full-featured without dinner reservations. To use this feature, you must contact Execu/Tech for additional settings.


Execu/Gift HOTEL-GIFT-CERT-INFO= Contact Execu/Tech for specific settings.
Execu/Gift HOTEL-GIFT-CERT-DONATED=NO No disallows creation of Donated (zero dollar) gift cards
Execu/Gift HOTEL-GIFT-CERT-EXP-DAYS=NONE With NONE Gift Cards will not expire. Otherwise enter the number of days (up to 999) to allow the card. Default is 365.
Execu/Gift HOTEL-GIFT-CERT-PROFILE-LINK=NO NO does not require a guest profile to be assigned to a gift card.
A/R-DB AR-STATEMENT-GUEST-INFO= Allows additional information to print on A/R Statement. Contact Execu/Tech for specific commands.
A/R-DB AR-STATEMENT-GUEST-INFO=*COMMENT2 Allows Guest Folio Comment 2 to print on A/R Statement.
A/R-DB AR-BATCH-TO-HOTEL=YES Adds AR batch to GAGLTRAN for update to GL w/ GL interface such as QuickBooks.
G/L and A/P EXCHANGE-RATE-BACK-OFFICE=000.028571429 Exchange rate for G/L and A/P, primary / secondary. Up to 9 digits to the left and right of the decimal.
G/L and A/P EXCHANGE-RATE-TITLE-BACK-OFFICE=USD,ECX Titles for exchange rate in GL and A/P, primary / secondary.
G/L HOTEL-ROOM-REVENUE-GL-BY-MARKET=YES YES posts room revenue to G/L accounts defined in Market Segment. Default is NO, room revenue posts to G/L accounts defined in RC* charge code.
G/L HOTEL-GL-FORCE-DOUBLE-SIDED-ENTRIES=YES YES forces double-sided entries. Batch will not update if debits do not equal credits.
G/L HOTEL-GL-CURRENCY-2=YES YES posts Hotel amounts (via night audit procedures) to G/L using second currency. Default is first currency.
G/L HOTEL-GL-TERMINAL=4 Defines terminal number that receives G/L batch from night audit. Overrides Parameter Record switch. See Terminal ID Number Codes-Batch Terminals to determine the correct terminal number.
G/L HOTEL-GAGLTRAN-TAB-DELIMITED=YES Creates tab delimited text file for import into 3rd party accounting software.
G/L HOTEL-GUEST-LEDGER-GL-ACCT=1200 Posts "Guest Ledger" G/L entries to designated account. Saves time in setup.
Condo HOTEL-COUNT-CONDO-GUESTS=NO NO does not count Rate Code 7 (condo owner guests) in usage count in room record. Default is YES, does count.
Condo HOTEL-CONDO-OWNER-REFERRAL-CODE=OWN Guests with this Hotel Source of Business code (OWN) for owner referrals will not be added to usage count in room record.
Condo HOTEL-CONDO-NOCOUNT-MARKET=LTR Guests with this Hotel Market Segment code (LTR) will not be added to the usage count in the room record.
Condo HOTEL-CONDO-TERMINAL=2 Terminal number to receive the Condo batch transactions after Night Audit Reorganize files. Otherwise the batch will be placed on the terminal where night audit was performed. See Terminal ID Number Codes-Batch Terminals to determine the correct terminal number.
Condo HOTEL-CONDO-AFTER-REORG= YES If YES, "Transfer room charges to CONDO" at night audit must be run after Reorganize Files. Default, run "Transfer room charges to CONDO" before Night Audit Reorganize.
Condo CONDO-ASSOCIATION-NAME= MAIN STREET RESORT Company name to print on owner statement "due/from" section.
Condo CONDO-MANAGEMENT-FEE-CODES=3000,3200,3300,4600,4630 Up to ten account codes (separated by comma) to be used when management Fees are calculated on net income.  Parameter record field "calculate management fees on income or expense" must be set to N.
Condo CONDO-STATEMENT-GUEST-NAME=NO NO does not print guest names on Condo statement. YES does print guest names. Check the laws/policies in your jurisdiction.
A/P AP-CHECK-OMIT-VENDOR-ADDRESS=YES YES does not print vendor address on checks.
Payroll PAYROLL-PRETAX-PENSION=YES If YES, pension payroll deductions are calculated on a pre-tax bases. Default is NO, calculated post-tax.

For these changes to take effect, all users must log out Execu/Tech and log back in after you have saved your changes.

Article ID
Last Modified
 2/11/2025 2:27 PM