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ETHTMLPrint (Print Folios, Reg Card, etc.)

ETHTMLPrint.exe is an HTML print engine that we've written to replace 3rd party HTML print engines.

  • It is used to print Guest Folios, Registration Forms (Reg Card), Cancellation Letters and more. 
  • This is our preferred method of printing reports based on HTML templates.
  • If you're using Remote Desktop Services, you must use this method for reliability. 

Default Template File Names 

These are the default printed HTML template file names. They can be found in the Execu/Tech hotel folder:


Confirmation Letter  =  GARLEWIN.HTM
Cancellation Letter  =  GARCAWIN.HTM
Guest Folio  =  GAFOLWIN.HTM
Registration Form (Reg Card)  =  GAREGWIN.HTM
A/R (DB) Statement =  ARSTOWIN.HTM

How to use the ETHTMLPrint method of printing

  • The ​​following lines must be at the top of the HTML template:
 An additional note about the Guest Folio
  • With the template (GAFOLWIN.HTM) open in Notepad, locate the title element and make sure it's set to:


  • Notice the dash (-), it's important.

  • For the Guest Folio, the top of the template (GAFOLWIN.HTM) should look like this when viewed in Notepad: (Of course, if you add custom settings, they would be included just under $ETHTML.)

Margins, Shrink to Fit, & Orientation

There are several ways to set Margins, Shrink to Fit, and orientation for printing.

  1. Margins, ShrinkToFit, and Orientation can be specified in the HTML document.
  2. Margins and ShrinkToFit can be set using our utility ET Set HTML Print Defaults (ETSetHtmlPrintDefaults.exe). See Forms Print Too Large.
  3. Margins, ShrinkToFit, Orientation, and other default page settings can be set using ETHTMLPrint.exe.

1. Print Defaults Embedded in HTML Document

You can specify Margin, ShrinkToFit and Orientation in the HTML template itself

  • This can be helpful if one of your HTML forms needs to print with unique settings.
  • If you use the $MARGINS setting, all options must be given.

For example, to set: 

  • margins to .5 inch all around and not to shrink-to-fit
  • orientation to portrait
  • display before printing

Add these lines below $ETHTML:




2. ET Set HTML Print Defaults


See Forms Print Too Large.


3. ETHTMLPrint.exe Page Setup

  • You can run ETHTMLPrint.exe from the hotel folder.

  • When it opens, go to File > Page Setup.




If you edit these settings, be aware that:

  • they only apply to the currently logged in Windows user
  • they will affect ALL documents that do not have these settings embedded in the document itself.


Developer Information


If you're not a developer wanting to implement this into your application, ignore this section.


ETHTMLPrint.exe /f FileName /p PrinterName /o Orientation /c Copies /m Margins /v ViewMode

FileName (Required): Full path to the HTML file.
PrinterName (Optional): Full text name of the printer.
Orientation (Optional): 0 = Portrait (this is the default), 1 = Landscape.
Copies (Optional): The number of copies to print. If not specified 1 copy will print.
Margins (Optional): Top,Right,Bottom,Left,ShrinkToFit (Example (Margins are in inches) = .5,.5,.5,.5,True)
ViewMode (Optional): 0 = Print only don't view, 1 = View only don't print, 2 = View and print.


You can create a separate HTML file for each page and run this once per page.
You can also include all pages in a single file using the following code to insert a page break between the pages.


<br style="page-break-after: always">

Article ID
Last Modified
 9/11/2024 2:09 PM