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Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Procedures Execu/Suite PMS > Reservations > Reservations Operations > Availability

Availability - Reservations

There are two options for checking the availability at your property: by Room Type or by Room Number (Tape Chart). 

Room Type Availability

To access the Room Type Availability screen, click the Room Types icon in the toolbar.

When prompted, enter the Beginning Date to Display in MMDDYY format. It will default to today's date.

  • 30 days of availability from the beginning date entered will display.
  • This screen gives you an at-a-glance overview of the availability based on room type.
  • From this screen, you can make a reservation by selecting a Room Type and then clicking the Make reservation button at the bottom of the screen.


Room Availability (Tape Chart)

To access the Room Availability (Tape Chart) screen, click the Tape Chart icon in the toolbar.


When prompted, enter the following information:

  • Room Type to Display. If you only want to see one specific Room Type on the Tape Chart, enter the Room Type Code. Enter through the prompt screen to see ALL rooms.
  • Beginning Room Number to Display. If you want to see one specific Room Number, or if you only want to see a specific range of Room Numbers, enter the Beginning Room Number. Enter through the prompt screen to see ALL rooms.
  • Beginning Date to Display. Enter the first day of availability you wish to see in MMDDYY format. This defaults to Today's Date. 30 Days of Availability will display.

If the room is occupied or reserved, the first 3 letters of the guest's last name will display.


The block is color coded (key is at the top of the Availability screen) based on the occupancy/reservation status. This includes Guest In House, Checked Out, Previous Stay, Guaranteed Reservation, and Non-Guaranteed Reservation. 

Article ID
Last Modified
 9/4/2024 4:49 PM