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Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Procedures Execu/Suite PMS > Travel Agency Processing

Travel Agency Processing

Travel Agencies can be tracked and commissions paid from Execu/Suite.  When a travel agency is assigned to a guest, the guest information including total room charge is sent into the record for that travel agency.  The system will calculate commission based on the percentage assigned to the agency.  Travel Agency commissions can apply to charges in addition to RC* if these are included in the MENUINI.FIL configuration file.   Wholesalers typically are processed through Direct Bill.

Some hotels use Travel Agency Processing to track employee reservations so that commissions or incentives can be paid to the employees. 

Before processing payments to travel agencies you should set up a Hotel charge code$TRA which is used internally only.

$TRA is a required Hotel charge code for processing payments to Travel Agencies.  This code must not be used for anything else and it must exist.   Typically the G/L debit will be the travel agency commission expense account but you should consult your accountant.  Typically the G/L credit account will be the bank account from which checks are paid but you should consult your accountant.  "Display" should be set to N.  This code should never used when posting manually to a folio.  It is  for internal use only. If this code is missing then transactions posted for travel agents will not update to general ledger.

The check format is the following:  NEBS/DELUXE part # DLT104 at www.deluxe.com.  If you order a different check, make sure the format is the same or it will not print correctly.   Intuit checks also will work.

Go to Manager/Setup and select one of the following from the Manager/Setup menu:

Travel Agency Set-up

  • Set up travel agencies, look up travel agency detail, manually enter travel agency invoices, etc.

Travel Agency Reports

  • Print summary or detail reports. 

Travel Agency Checks

  • Print checks to travel agencies.
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Last Modified
 8/30/2024 4:40 PM