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WebRes - Confirmation Page & Email

SMTP Settings

WebRes sends confirmation emails via SMTP. To enable emailing of confirmation letters to the guest and to the property’s staff, you will need the following information from your email provider:
  • SMTP Server.

  • SMTP Port.

  • SMTP Username.

  • SMTP Password.

  • SSL (yes or no).

  • From address that should appear on the confirmation emails.

  • CC or BCC email addresses (up to 4 each) that should get a copy of the email for record keeping purposes.
The SMTP settings are found in the file "inc_variables.asp", inside the WebRes installation folder. If we have remote access to the server we can modify these settings for you, otherwise someone with access will have to do it. Look near the bottom of this page for more information.


We don't know what your SMTP login information is and don't have any way to obtain it. Please contact your IT professional or your email provider to obtain this information. 
If you’re going to use the hotel's IIS for SMTP relay, be sure properly configure a ‘Remote’ domain under the Default SMTP Virtual Server. Without this ‘Remote’ domain, emails will not send.

You may also need to give the AppPool user as well as IUSR full permissions to the pickup folder (usually C:\inetpub\mailroot\Pickup). 

This is the extent of the information we will provide relating to configuring your own SMTP server. 


Test your SMTP settings using these instructions: 

You can use this link to convert the username and password to base64:

After you're confident the SMTP settings are correct, you can test WebRes emailing by following the instructions at the bottom of this page.

Confirmation Page and Confirmation Email 

  Since the confirmation email will be displayed in a variety of email clients, it's best to make it as simple as possible. Different email clients will render html and styles differently and what looks good to you may not look good to someone else. Images and too many nested elements (tables, div, etc.) might not look the same and some styles are ignored completely.

Confirmation Page Example  Confirmation Email Example 

The confirmation page and confirmation email files are both located in the WebRes folder. Both of them use the same dynamic tags.

Confirmation Page Template: 
Confirmation Page Style Sheet:

Confirmation Email Template:     confirmationemail.htm

These are the dynamic tags that can be used in both templates. Place them wherever you want to show the specified information.


  The guest's email address. 

  The guest's first name. 

  The guest's last name. 

  The reservation confirmation number. 

  The reservation arrival date. 
  The reservation departure date. 

  The number of adults. 

  The number of children. 

  The total price for the reservation. 
  The total deposit required for the reservation. 

  The authorization response from the processor. 

  The comment that the guest entered. 

  The room type that the guest requested. 

Email settings in inc_variables.asp

This file is found in the WebRes install folder and can be edited with any text editor.

These are the lines in inc_variables.asp that are related to confirmation email.

'EMAIL SETTINGS --------------------------------------------------------------------
intCiEmail          =   2        '1 = send text confirmation email, 2 = send email using html template
SMTP_SendUsing      =   2       '1 = local SMTP, 2 = Hosted SMTP, 3 = MSExchange, Default = 2
strCiEmailFrom      =   "noreply@execu-tech.com"                    'From email address
strCiEmailCc        =   "support@execu-tech.com"                        'CC email address
strCiEmailBcc       =   ""                          'BCC email address
strCiEmailSubject   =   "Confirmation of Reservation: "             'Email Subject. Shows this text followed by the confirmation number. If left blank i.e. "", it will default to a standard subject of Hotel Name Reservation Confirmation: Confirm#
strCiCdoServer      =   "yoursmtpserver"                        'Server to log into for CDO object
SMTP_Auth           =   1                                           'Require Authentication 1 = Yes, 0 = No
strCiCdoPort        =   "25"                                      'Port to use for SMTP connection. Default is 25.
strCiCdoLogin       =   "youremaillogin"                                'Server Login, User must have permission to send email
strCiCdoPass        =   "youremailpassword"                                  'Server Password
SMTP_SSL            =   0                                           '0 = do not use SSL, 1 = use SSL
CreateConfPage      =   0                                           '1 = Create a static confirmation page that can be linked in the confirmation email. Must have proper folder permissions as described in the WebRes guide.
strEmHeader         =   "Your Reservation Confirmation Email"       'Label: Header
strEmArrive         =   "Arriving"                                  'Label: Arrival Date
strEmDepart         =   "Departing"                                 'Label: Departure Date
strEmAdults         =   "Adults"                                    'Label: Number of adults
strEmChildren       =   "Children"                                  'Label: Children
strEmRooms          =   "Accommodations"                            'Label: Room List
strEmTotal          =   "Total Price"                               'Label: Total Price
strEmName           =   "Reserved Name"                             'Label: Name reservation was reserved under
strEmDeposit        =   "Deposit Amount"                            'Label: Amount of deposit
strEmAuthorize      =   "Authorization Number"                      'Label: Authorization number
strEmConfirmation   =   "Confirmation Number"                       'Label: Confirmation number
strEmComments       =   "Comments"                                  'Label: Comments
strEmFooter         =   "You may print this page for your records"  'Label: Footer shown at bottom of page under confirmation

Testing The Templates 

To help you with modifying the confirmation page and email templates, we provide a test page that allows you to send yourself a confirmation email and review the confirmation page. This is the same confirmation page and email that the guest will see.

  • To access this test page, enter the URL for your WebRes installation and replace "webres.asp" with "testemail.htm".

  • Enter your email address in the text field and click "TEST".

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Last Modified
 9/11/2024 5:29 PM