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Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Procedures Execu/Suite PMS > Front Desk > Front Desk Operations > Check In Master Folio

Check In Master Folio

Master Folios are created so that charges and payments can be posted when those transactions will not be posted to Guest Folios.

The procedure for checking in a Master Folio is almost identical to checking in a walk-In guest, with a few differences.



Click on the Check-In icon or go to Front Desk > Front Desk Operations > Check-In.


The Guest Check-in window will open. Select No - guest is a walk-in.



Days/ departure date will usually be the date that the folio is no longer needed.

  • If this is an adjustment master folio for a one-time use, the number of days should be 1 and you should check it out right away when you're done. 

  • If this is a permanent master folio, like a deposit folio, POS folio, etc., the number of days should be 999.

  • If this is a Group master folio, enter the Group's departure date.

Room no/type will be M.


Folio type:

  • Should be MA for most master folios.
  • Advance Deposit master folios should be DE.
  • Clearing POS folios (such as F&B or Retail master folios) should be CL.


See Also:


Assign Master Folio to Guest or Group  

Master Folios

Master Folios Year-End

Check In

Article ID
Last Modified
 7/18/2024 12:33 PM