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Home > POS Printers and Cash Drawers > Configure Bar Code Printer and Labels

Configure Bar Code Printer and Labels

   Bar code printing only works with EPL2 compatible printers. 
  • The bar codes will only print in PAGE MODE (EPL2). 
  • LINE MODE (EPL1) will not work.
  • Check your manual or call the manufacturer for more information on PAGE MODE and LINE MODE settings.

This application is available to assist in adjusting the barcode settings for Execu/Tech's Inventory software.


Download it, unzip it into the Execu/Tech software folder, and run it from that folder. You can still edit the settings manually using the instructions at the bottom of this page.

Download InbarcdEdit

  • The panel on the lower right shows the approximate dimensions of the label and the printed elements. This is not to scale and should not be considered an exact representation of what will be printed. Its purpose is to assist you in roughly positioning the printed elements before printing test labels.

  • Save the settings by clicking File then Save.

  • Print a test label by clicking File then Print. Select the bar code printer.

  • You should print test labels before saving.

  • All numbers, except for Density, refer to DOTS. 1mm is 8 DOTS.


Description Line 1 X = Adjusts the text left and right. Increasing the number moves it to the right. (Max 999)
Y = Adjusts the text up and down. Increasing the number moves it down. (Max 999)
Description Line 2  X = Adjusts the text left and right. Increasing the number moves it to the right. (Max 999)
Y = Adjusts the text up and down. Increasing the number moves it down. (Max 999)
Bar Code  X = Adjusts the text left and right. Increasing the number moves it to the right. (Max 999)
Y = Adjusts the text up and down. Increasing the number moves it down. (Max 999)
Height = Barcode Height. Not all printers allow this setting. (Max 99)
Narrow Bar Width* = The width of the narrow bar. (Default 1, Max 9)
Wide Bar Width* = The width of the wide bar. (Default 3, Max 9)
* Don't modify the Narrow or Wide Bar settings unless you're using a label larger than 1.2" wide.
Size X = Adjusts the text left and right. Increasing the number moves it to the right. (Max 999)
Y = Adjusts the text up and down. Increasing the number moves it down. (Max 999)
Price  X = Adjusts the text left and right. Increasing the number moves it to the right. (Max 999)
Y = Adjusts the text up and down. Increasing the number moves it down. (Max 999)
Older Printers Only Use This Setting? = Click to enable the use of the printer width setting. This makes an adjustment to the layout display to assist in configuring older printers.
2" Wide Printer = Click this if your printer can only handle a 2" wide label.
4" Wide Printer = Click this if your printer can handle a 4" wide label. This is the most common setting.
2" Wide Printer 4" Wide Printer

Other Settings Density (Darkness) = Adjusts how dark the label is printed. Too light, and the label looks faded. Too dark and the label looks uneven and bar code bars may blend together, making them unreadable. (Default 10, Max 15)
Label Width = Tells the printer what size labels you are using. The results vary by printer. (Max 999)
  • ON OLDER PRINTERS (like the Zebra TLP 2844) this setting affects line wrapping.
    If the Label Width is too low, characters at the end of the line will print first.
    If the Label Width is too high, characters will begin printing off of the label, to the left.
    Adjust this setting so that the lines begin near the left edge of the label and then fine tune the X and Y settings for each line.
  • ON NEWER PRINTERS (like the Zebra GC420d) this setting affects the print start position and width.
    On newer printers, this settings works like it logically should. If you specify that your label is 260 dots wide, the printer will adjust its start position to the correct place. 
    Because of this, use the default settings for a 2" wide printer as your starting point, then fine tune your adjustments from there.
Use Default Values?   These buttons allow you to use the default settings for either a 2" or 4" wide printer.

Manually Adjusting the Settings

This is a sample of the bar code printing configuration file INBARCD.FIL located in the software installation folder. If INBARCD.FIL is missing, these settings are used.


This sample is for a 4" wide bar code printer.

Open this file with NOTEPAD.

|  |  |  |  |  |  ||| |  |  |  |  | +Label Width
|  |  |  |  |  |  ||| |  |  |  |  +Density 0 - 15 (how dark)
|  |  |  |  |  |  ||| |  |  |  +---Price Vertical   Start (Y)
|  |  |  |  |  |  ||| |  |  +------Price Horizontal Start (X)
|  |  |  |  |  |  ||| |  +---------Size  Vertical   Start (Y)
|  |  |  |  |  |  ||| +------------Size  Horizontal Start (X)
|  |  |  |  |  |  ||+--------------Barcode Height
|  |  |  |  |  |  |+---------------Barcode WideBar    Width 2 - 9
|  |  |  |  |  |  +----------------Barcode Narrowbar  Width 1 - 9
|  |  |  |  |  +-------------------Barcode Vertical   Start (Y)
|  |  |  |  +----------------------Barcode Horizontal Start (x)
|  |  |  +Description Line 2 Vertical   Start (Y)
|  |  +---Description Line 2 Horizontal Start (X)
|  +------Description Line 1 Vertical   Start (Y)
+---------Description Line 1 Horizontal Start (Y) 
  • All numbers, except for Density, refer to DOTS. 1mm is 8 DOTS. 
  • Horizontal DOT values are absolute printer values, meaning it is measuring from the printer's left margin and not the label's.
    Because of this, you will need to make adjustments if the label width changes or if you get a new printer.
  • The barcode is Code 128.
  • Label size is intended to be 1.2 X .85 Inch, but can be larger. If you use a larger label, adjust the settings, above, to fit.
  • This program communicates to the printer using the EPL2 Standard, specifically for the Eltron Orion / Zebra series of printers. 
  • This should work for any printer using this standard, but we only support the printers for which it was written. 
Adjusting the label
  • To move things to the right, increase the Horizontal Start (X) number, or to move them to the left, decrease the number. You may need to adjust this from time to time as the printer wears out. You may also need to adjust this if you buy a new printer and it doesn't print like the last one.
  • To move things down, increase the Vertical Start (Y) number, or to move them up, decrease the number.
  • You shouldn't change the Barcode WideBar Width or the Barcode NarrowBar Width unless you are using a barcode larger than the 1.2 X .85 Inch label, because it will make the barcode too wide. Do not make it smaller under any circumstance.
  • If the barcode is too light, and the bars aren't solid and well defined, increase the Density. If they are too dark and look like blobs, decrease the Density.
  • If the printed data seems to be 'wrapping around' then you may need to adjust the Label Width. This is especially needed when a 2 inch printer is used rather than a 4 inch printer. Reduce this number to the 100 - 150 range for a 2 inch printer and adjust it from there.
Default Settings:
  • 2 Inch Printer:

  • 4 Inch Printer:


  • Each printer will print differently, meaning that text and barcode locations may vary from printer to printer. Most are close enough to not cause a problem as long as the sticker is large enough, but some will require significant adjustment.

  • Make sure you can print a Windows Test Page.

  • Blank Labels or "code":
    - Make sure the printer is in PAGE MODE.
    - If you get blank labels or see something like the following on your labels, you're in LINE MODE. This is the actual code we send the printer and when it's in the correct mode, PAGE MODE, it will translate this into a bar code label.
    - Use your manual or call the manufacturer 

    A020,001,0,2,1,1,N,"SPECIALTY MUG        "
    A020,017,0,2,1,1,N,"                     "
    B020,040,0,1,1,3,35,B,"1122            "
    A020,110,0,2,1,1,N,"     "
    A020,130,0,2,1,1,N,"         $     4.95 "
  • If you have the 4" wide test roll, print a label to it. If the label prints in an area to the right or left of where the more narrow 1.2" labels rests, you'll need to modify the configuration file. 

  • If the text lines look like they're 'wrapping' and the end of the line is printing first, increase the Label Width setting a little at a time.

  • If the printer is feeding more than one label after a single label has been printed, it's likely because the printer isn't properly detecting the 'Gap'. According to the Eltron EPL2 Programming Manual, "The Gap method detects the difference in optical density of a label on a liner from the liner only with the Transmissive (Gap) sensor.
    The Eltron EPL2 Programming Manual also states, "All EPL2 printers have an AutoSense feature to optimize label and label gap detection by the transmissive (gap) sensor. See the printer’s user’s manual for printer specific sensor adjustment control."
    You'll have to look in your printer manual for instructions on adjusting this setting. We can't tell you how to do it.

For instructions on printing bar codes see Print Bar Codes.

Article ID
Last Modified
 10/18/2024 1:52 PM