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Home > Execu/Touch Point Of Sale > Execu/Touch POS Administrator > Store Record

Store Record

The Store Record is the first screen you will access in the POS Administrator menu. The Store Record must be set up before you can set up anything else in POS.

 IMPORTANT!  Read this before you do anything...
  • Make sure you have a User ID set up for the new company or store. This must be done in two places: System Administrator (or System Maintenance) and POS Administrator.
  • Set up the User IDs for the new company from the company you already have access to. To set up a user for all companies/stores, enter ** in the "company no." field.
  • Make sure you have set up the new company/store in System Administrator or System Maintenance.  Company 01 already exists but you might want to change the company name.  All company codes must have two digits such as 01.


Store Record Warning

When accessing the Store Record, you will see a message telling you that accessing the Store Record with active POS Terminals may cause problems. 


Do not access the Store Record during business hours at your restaurant, bar, or store while checks are open or while the system is being used.  Wait until everyone has closed all checks and logged out of Execu/Touch.  If you are setting up your store for the first time, it will not matter.


Answer Yes to open the Store Record and continue.

This is the Store Record screen:  

Store Name/ Address:  Each line may have up to thirty characters.  This will print on checks/tickets.

Check message:  Each line may have up to forty characters.  This will print on checks/tickets.

Sales Tax1 %Disc:  Enter the tax percentage in the first column.  You would enter 4.5 for 4.5%, etc.  Type the description in the second column.  Use Sales Tax 2 for fixed rate tax.  Up to four taxes may apply to each item, and different items can have different taxes.

Sales Tax2 %Disc:  Enter the tax percentage in the first column.  You would enter 4.5 for 4.5%, etc.  Type the description in the second column.  Use Sales Tax 2 for fixed rate tax.  Up to four taxes may apply to each item, and different items can have different taxes.

Sales Tax3 %Disc:  Enter the tax percentage in the first column.  You would enter 4.5 for 4.5%, etc.  Type the description in the second column.  Use Sales Tax 2 for fixed rate tax.  Up to four taxes may apply to each item, and different items can have different taxes.

Sales Tax4 %Disc:  Enter the tax percentage in the first column.  You would enter 4.5 for 4.5%, etc.  Type the description in the second column.  Use Sales Tax 2 for fixed rate tax.  Up to four taxes may apply to each item, and different items can have different taxes.

Automatic check nos? (Y/N/R):  Answer Y for the system automatically to generate check numbers.  Answer R if you wish the check numbers to reset to 1000 each day.  N is no longer used.

Next check no(auto):  Enter the beginning check number.  The system automatically will generate subsequent numbers.  The number cannot be less than 1000.  If you have more than one store or outlet, in more than one company, you should set the beginning number unique for each company so that the same number does not exist more than once.  For example, Company 01's checks could start with 10000001, Company 02's checks could start with 20000001, etc.  Maximum ten characters.  Once you have started processing checks/tickets, to not change this number unless advised by Execu/Tech.

End of day password:  Enter the password required to run End of Day Close.  This will thwart accidental running of End of Day and is optional.  Maximum eight characters.

Exit program password:  Enter the password required to exit Execu/Touch POS.  This is optional.  Maximum eight characters.

Input item quantity: (Y/N):  You should enter N.  If you enter Y, then quantity will be required for each item selected at item/order entry.

No of characters in item no:  Enter 3 or 4.  This indicates the number of characters used in setting up a menu item.

Use categories? (Y/N/Q):  Enter Q in this field.

(F)ine dn, (R)etail, f(A)st:  Enter F for the system to function in Fine Dining mode.  This will allow table selection, tip entry, and other optional settings or functions.  Enter R for the system to function in Retail mode.  Enter A for the system to function in Fast Food mode.

Sort orders to kitchen? - You may leave this field blank.  It is no longer used.

Multiple Property?  Enter Y if more than one company/store will share this database.  Enter N if not (N is typical.)

Special code (optional):


I  In Retail mode, enter the letter I if items will be scanned and available on the touch screen. 

In Food & Beverage mode, if this field is blank, a signature line* will print on the presentation check. *Signature line refers to the signature line as well as lines to be used by hotel guests.
If C is in this field, the signature line will only print when the check is closed to room charge.
X If X is in this field, the signature line will not print and no prompt will ask if you wish to print the signature line.
Y  If Y is in this field, a prompt will ask if you wish to print the signature line on the presentation check.

If none of these options apply to you, leave this field blank unless advised by Execu/Tech.


Gratuity %: You may enter a default gratuity percentage, or you may leave this field blank.  

Print?:  Y = Gratuity will print on the presentation check; N = Gratuity will not print on the presentation check; S = Print a suggested gratuity.  Note that a "gratuity" is different than a "tip" and calculates differently on reports.

Print detail on closed ck:  Answer Y to print details, answer N to not print details. Fine Dining mode only.

Use Cash Control Feature?:  Answer Y to require bank, drop, deposit entries.  Not recommended unless you understand how cash control works and are able to assist new employees.  See POS Cash Management

Login by empl password?:  We recommend entering Y in this field.

Timekeeping Setup:  Answer Y if you are using Time & Attendance for clock-in/clock-out. Options will pop up. These are self-explanatory.


Print Second Currency?:  Answer Y if you wish two currencies to print on the check total.  A configuration window will open for you to enter your information.


Can servers transfer cks?:

If set to Y:


  • Server can open another’s check.  It automatically transfers to the new server opening the check. 
  • Supervisor can open another’s check.  It remains the server’s check.
  • Administrator can open another’s check.  It remains the server’s check.   
  • Cashier can open another’s check.  It remains the server’s check.
  • These rules have nothing to do with the type or level of the original check’s server (the owner of the check before you opened it).

If set to S:

  • Server opens another’s check:  A prompt states, “Wrong server. Transfer this check to you?”  Yes transfers it.  No takes you back to the login screen without transferring.
  • Supervisor opens another's check:  Prompt states, “Check belongs to someone else. Transfer this check to you?”  No allows supervisor to add items or close check, while remaining under server’s number.  Yes transfers to the supervisor.
  • Administrator may open someone else’s check:  A prompt states “Check belongs to someone else.  Transfer this check to you?”  Yes transfers the check.  No opens without transferring.
  • Cashier opening another's check: A prompt states “Check belongs to someone else. Transfer this check to you?"  No allows cashier to add items or close check. Yes transfers check to cashier.
  • These rules have nothing to do with the type or level of the original check’s server (the owner of the check before you opened it).

If set to N:

  • Server receives message “This check belongs to someone else” and may not open it.  Goes back to login.
  • Supervisor may open another’s check.  It remains the server’s check.
  • Administrator may open the check.  It remains the server’s check.
  • Cashier may open another’s check. It remains the server’s check. 
  • These rules have nothing to do with the type or level of the original check’s server (the owner of the check before you opened it).

Note: When going to Options > Transfer Check from an open check:

  • Nothing happens when selected by server or cashier.  The ticket stays open until Done/New or Total.
  • Administrators and Supervisors are prompted for the check to transfer to.
  • These rules apply regardless of how “Can servers transfer cks” is set in Store Record.


Password to combine/split?:  Answer Y if you wish to require a supervisor's password in order to combine or split checks.


"Hotel" button at bottom of screen: Click button so that you can enter additional information. This is required information, particularly if your store or restaurant is affiliated with your hotel.



HOTEL POS master folio: If using Execu/Suite (Hotel) enter the folio number for the POS master folio for this outlet.  If you have a stand-alone POS system with direct billing but without Hotel, you can enter any number.  See Master Folios.

HOTEL Sales tax 1 charge cd:  If using Execu/Suite (Hotel) enter the HOTEL charge code for this tax.  If you have a stand-alone Execu/Touch POS system type X in this field.

HOTEL Sales tax 2 charge cd:  If using Execu/Suite (Hotel) enter the HOTEL charge code for this tax.  If you have a stand-alone POS system type X in this field. 

HOTEL Sales tax 3 charge cd:  If using Execu/Suite (Hotel) enter the HOTEL charge code for this tax.  If you have a stand-alone POS system type X in this field.

HOTEL Sales tax 4 charge cd:  If using Execu/Suite (Hotel) enter the HOTEL charge code for this tax.  If you have a stand-alone POS system type X in this field.

HOTEL Tip charge code:  If using Execu/Suite (Hotel) enter the HOTEL charge code for Tips. You may use a different code for each store/company if you wish.  If you have a stand-alone POS system type X in this field.

HOTEL Gratuity charge code:  If using Execu/Suite (Hotel) enter the HOTEL charge code for Gratuity. You may use a different code for each store/company if you wish.  If you have a stand-alone POS system type X in this field.

HOTEL Discount charge code:  If using Execu/Suite (Hotel) enter the HOTEL charge code for Discounts. You may use a different code for each store/company if you wish.  If you prefer to use a different code for different discounts, you may enter the HOTEL charge code in each discount's setup parameters.  See Discount Records .  If you have a stand-alone POS system type X in this field.

HOTEL Guest charge code:  If using Execu/Suite (Hotel) enter the HOTEL charge code that the system will use when posting restaurant or gift shop charges to the guest folio.  This occurs when "ROOM CHARGE" or "ACCOUNT CHARGE" is selected when closing the check or ticket. The description for this HOTEL charge code will print on the guest check.  You may use a different code for each store/company if you wish.  If you have a stand-alone Execu/Touch POS system you have three options:  Type X to cause the Tip and Total entry lines to print on checks.  Type XX to cause the Tip and Total entry lines as well as Name and Signature lines to print on checks.  Leave blank for the extra lines not to print.


See Hotel Charge Codes  

HOTEL/AR Company no:  Enter the two-digit Company number for your Hotel.  If you are using a Stand-alone Execu/Touch POS system with Direct Billing, enter the two-digit number Company number where Direct Bills are processed.


Click the Exit button when you are finished entering the Hotel information.  This will return you to the Store Record Setup.



Click Yes to save your changes and exit the Store Record.


Execu/Tech Systems offers professional training.  We can come to your property or train you remotely.  Email support@execu-tech.com for a quote or to schedule your trainer.


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Related Pages

Hotel Master Folios
Hotel Charge Codes

Article ID
Last Modified
 4/24/2024 4:45 PM