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Charge, Payment, and Tax Codes

This is a list of things to know and remember when setting up codes. For step-by-step instructions see Hotel Control Files Setup.

  1. To post transactions you need at least one Charge Code and one Payment Code.

  2. Each Charge Code may be up to four characters.

  3. Specific Charge Codes are pre-defined and coded into the system.  You may use those codes only as designated and must use them as described.  See lists of required, restricted, and suggest codes at Charge Code Setup  and Payment Code Setup

  4. All Room Charge Codes must begin with RC.  These are the charges for lodging, dockage, etc., that will post automatically at night audit.  You may set up as many as you need.  Examples include RCH (room charge hotel); RCC (room charge cottage); RCD (room charge dockage).  Room Charge Tax Exempt must be RCTE.  If you have non-inventoried rooms that you occasionally rent, you should set up RCNI, as this charge will post automatically to non-inventoried rooms

  5. Taxes are set up in Tax Codes setup.  All taxes also need a Charge Code.  The Tax Code setup determines how, and how much, to tax.  The Charge Code is what allows the tax to post to the folios. 

  6.  All Tax Codes that apply to RC charges must begin with RT.  These are taxes that apply automatically to RC charges. 

  7. Tax Codes for other taxes - those that do not apply to RC* - should begin with ST.  The exception is tax posted from POS, such as FTAX.

  8. If you set up codes you do not want displayed on the Post screen, answer "N" to "display".

  9. For your AM Report and Daily Report, you should set up heading and total codes. You can set up subtotals by designating total levels. See the sections for AM Report Headings and AM Report Total Lines here: Charge Codes.

  10. The AM Report line number designates where on the AM Report the charge code prints. For example: if the heading "RESTAURANT is line 210 and the total "TOTAL RESTAURANT" is line 280, all revenue (charge) codes that should sum into TOTAL RESTAURANT should be lines 211 through 279.  When you finish setting up charge codes (or while you are in the middle of setting them up), you can go to Manager/Setp > Print Charge Codes in AM Report Sequence. This will let you know if something should be moved (by reassigning a line number), or if more than one code share the same line number.



Hotel Control Files Setup

Tax Codes

Charge Codes

Payment Codes



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Last Modified
 8/1/2024 2:32 PM