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Cobol File Errors

From time to time, you will experience Cobol file errors. These are caused by a variety of reasons and should always be reported to Execu/Tech Support, even if you don't have a support contract. They may be insignificant, or they may be a symptom of a larger issue, like failing computers or network equipment.

Usually, if the error is permanent, and not caused by intermittent hardware or network issues, your software will stop working or have limited functionality. If this is the case, Execu/Tech Support can usually recover the file if it's a matter of simple data corruption. 

The following error is an example of what you might expect to see. While this error means that the file was not able to open, the actual cause is data corruption.  A simple rebuild of the file will usually fix this problem and takes just a few seconds to perform. Rebuild Corrupted File


00 Operation successful.
00 Optional file missing. If the open mode is I-O or EXTEND, then the file has been created. This is also returned by DELETE FILE if the file is not found. (open, delete file)
00 A CLOSE UNIT/REEL statement was executed for a file on a non-reel medium. The operation was successful.)
00 A sequential READ statement was attempted for a relative file, and the number of digits in the relative record number is larger than the size of the relative key data item. (read next)
00 A sequential WRITE statement was executed for a relative file, and the number of digits in the relative record number was larger than the size of the relative key data item. (write)
0M The operation was successful, but some optional feature was not used. For example, if you opened a file that specified an alternate collating sequence, but the host file system did not support that feature, then the open would succeed, but it would return this status.
02 The current key of reference in the record just read is duplicated in the next record. (read next)
02 The operation added a duplicate key to the file where duplicates were allowed. (write, rewrite)
10 End of file. (read next)
21 Primary key was written out of sequence, or the primary key on a rewrite does not match the last record read. This error occurs only for an indexed file open with the sequential access mode. (write, rewrite)
22 Duplicate key found but not allowed. (write, rewrite)


This error is usually caused by two or more terminals editing the same record at the same time. This can happen when warnings are overridden or if functions in the Night Audit are performed while users are still logged in and editing records. Call support for assistance.


Record not found.


Disk full for relative or indexed file. (write)


The hard drive containing the Execu/Tech software database is full. Contact your IT immediately!

30, 3000

Permanent error. This is an error not otherwise described in this table.


If the error contains "FILE ERROR: 3000" and "Check your network connection" then view this page for additional information. File Error: 3000


This error, and the error below, are often associated with Point of Sale printing. $windows will sometimes be seen in the error because we use this internal designation for the Windows print spooler. This is usually caused by a failure of your print spooler, changing printer names or removal of printers. The software is looking for a specific printer and Windows can't find it. Try rebooting. If rebooting doesn't fix the problem, contact your IT to troubleshoot.

If this is Point of Sale, try reselecting the printer using this guide: 
POS Printer Setup

It can also be caused by hard drive or network failure if the error is related to a file. Try rebooting. If the errors occur often, please have an IT professional look at your entire system, including the server, clients, network infrastructure, etc.

30, xx

Permanent error. This is any error not otherwise described.

The secondary code value is set to the host system's status value that caused the error. See your operating system user manual for an explanation.
The list of secondary code values for Microsoft Windows can be found here. Note that the secondary code is the number AFTER "30."
System Error Codes

These errors can be caused by hard drive or network failure if the error is related to a file. Try rebooting. If the errors occur often, please have an IT professional look at your entire system, including the server, clients, network infrastructure, etc.


Disk full for sequential file or sort file. (write, sort)


The hard drive containing the Execu/Tech software database is full. Contact your IT immediately!

9A Inadequate memory for operation. This most commonly occurs for the SORT verb, which requires at least 64K bytes of free space. (any)

The requested operation is not supported by the host operating system. For example, a deferred file system initialization failed, or a READ PREVIOUS verb was executed and the host file system does not have the ability to process files in reverse order. (any)

If you are using AcuXML, this error results when the program tries to open a file EXTEND or I-O. With AcuXML, programs are able to open files INPUT or OUTPUT only.


There are no entries left in one of the lock tables. The secondary error code indicates which table is full:

01 - operating system lock table  02 - internal global lock table (see the MAX_LOCKS configuration variable)  03 - internal per-file lock table (see the LOCKS_PER_FILE configuration variable)

9D, xx

This indicates an internal error defined by the host file system. The "xx" is the host system's error value. This is similar to error "30", except that "xx" is specific to the host file system instead of the host operating system. For example:

02 - In Acu4GL or AcuXML, 9D,02 indicates that an XFD file is corrupt. This could be the result of a parsing error.

03 - In Acu4GL or AcuXML, 9D,03 indicates that an XFD file is missing. This could be the result of a parsing error.

5 - In AcuXML, 9D,05 indicates that there was an XFD parsing error, so AcuXML was unable to read a record.

Refer to the specific Acucorp product documentation for more details on the host file system's error codes.

9E, xx This indicates an error occurred in the transaction system. The exact nature of the error is shown by the contents of TRANSACTION-STATUS. See section E.4, "Transaction Error Codes." 
9Z This indicates that you are executing the program with a runtime that has a restriction on the number of records it can process. You have exceeded the record limit. 
90, 01 A file that is defined to be access mode sequential is open for I-O, or the file is open for INPUT only. (write) 
90, 01 File not open for input or I-O. (read, start) 
90, 01 File not open for I-O. (rewrite, delete) 
90, 02 No current record defined for a sequential access mode file. (rewrite, delete) 
90, 7 User does not have appropriate access permissions to the file. (open) 


File not open. (close)


The file may be corrupted. You can try rebuilding the file specified. Rebuild Corrupted File


File not open. (unlock)


The file may be corrupted. You can try rebuilding the file specified. Rebuild Corrupted File

91, 02

File not open. (read, start)


The file may be corrupted. You can try rebuilding the file specified. Rebuild Corrupted File

Sometimes this is related to printing. If it is, it's because Windows can't find the printer or it fails to respond. Try rebooting. Contact your IT professional to troubleshoot.

91, 02

File not open. (write)


The file may be corrupted. You can try rebuilding the file specified. Rebuild Corrupted File

Sometimes this is related to printing. If it is, it's because Windows can't find the printer or it fails to respond. Try rebooting. Contact your IT professional to troubleshoot.

91, 02

File not open. (rewrite, delete)


The file may be corrupted. You can try rebuilding the file specified. Rebuild Corrupted File

Sometimes this is related to printing. If it is, it's because Windows can't find the printer or it fails to respond. Try rebooting. Contact your IT professional to troubleshoot.

91, 02

91, 02 on $windows

91, 02 on $printer

Either of these errors likely means this is related to the printer. Try logging out of the software and back in and select the correct printer from within the software.


File is already open. (open)


The file may be open by another terminal or a Remote Desktop session that didn't fully disconnect. You can use Computer Management to check this and release the file or, if using Remote Desktop, disconnect any idle sessions you suspect of causing the problem. As a last resort, you can reboot the server.


File locked by another user. (open)


The server has locked the file specified and your user can't access it. You typically only see this error when a computer locks up or there is a break in network communication during a read or write process. Try rebooting your computer. If that doesn't work, reboot the server as well.


If you're technically savvy, you might be able to unlock the file at the server using the Computer Management console. This link from Microsoft might help: Close an Open File
If you need assistance with the instructions provided by Microsoft, contact your qualified IT professional. You may also consider rebooting first to see if that fixes the problem.

93, 03

File previously closed with LOCK by this run unit. (open)

94, xx

Existing file conflicts with the COBOL description of the file. (open) 

The secondary error code may have any of these values:

01 - mismatch found but exact cause unknown (this status is returned by the host file system)

02 - mismatch found in file's maximum record size

03 - mismatch found in file's minimum record size

04 - mismatch found in the number of keys in the file

05 - mismatch found in primary key description

06 - mismatch found in first alternate key description

07 - mismatch found in second alternate key description

The list continues in this manner for each alternate key.

94, 10

Too many files open by the current process. (open)

94, 20

File not found. (open, sort)

94, 62

One of the LINAGE values for this file is illegal or out of range. (open, write)

94, 62

Key not specified (specifying a table whose size is zero) in a SORT or MERGE statement

95, 01

The file being opened is not on a mass-storage device which is required for the file type or the requested open mode. (open)

95, 02

Attempt to open a sequential file with fixed-length records as a Windows spool file.

95, 08

Attempt to open a print file for INPUT. (open)

95, 09

Attempt to open a sequential file for I/O and that file has automatic trailing space removal specified. (open)

95, 99

A Windows or Windows NT runtime that is not network-enabled tried to access a file on a remote machine.


No current record. This usually occurs when the previous operation on the file was a START that failed, leaving the record pointer undefined. (read next)


Try rebooting your workstation and running the process again. If this occurs when looking up guests in the PMS, you may need to run GANXREF. Please contact Support for specific instructions on completing this step.


If no file name is given sometimes then it may be printer related. Try printing to screen. If that works, make sure a printer is selected before printing. If printing to screen works but your selected printer doesn't, select a different printer. You'll need to troubleshoot your printer if it seems to be causing the error.


Record size changed. The record being rewritten is a different size from the one existing in the file, and the file's organization does not allow this. (rewrite)

This status code can also occur if the record is too large or too small according to the RECORD CONTAINS clause for the file. (write, rewrite)

98, xx

Indexed file corrupt. An internal error has been detected in the indexed file. The secondary status code contains the internal error number. The file should be reconstructed with the appropriate utility.


The file may be corrupted. You can try rebuilding the file specified. Rebuild Corrupted File


Record locked by another user. This is different from file error 93, because the file itself isn't locked, just a single record within that file.


It's common to see this error temporarily flash then go away. Sometimes, the error will remain, and if it does, you should check for a couple things:

  • Someone may be running a report that takes a while to complete. During this time, some files might be locked.
  • Someone may be editing setup records like Rooms, Payment Codes, Point of Sale Store Record, Items or Categories, etc. If someone were to leave their terminal while in the middle of editing the Store Record, for example, you might see file error 99 when selling items, running reports or closing the day. If this happens you can try to find the offending terminal or you can restart the server.



IsWindow: Inadequate memory available

This error has two common causes.

  1. The Windows operating system doesn't have enough memory to load and run the program. Have your IT professional check out your computer. Maybe you're running too many programs, maybe you need to restart the computer or maybe you need more RAM.

  2. The program loaded into memory but was corrupted. If every user gets this error on the same program, contact Execu/Tech support and we'll help your IT professional restore it from your backup. If you use Execu/Vault then we'll restore it for you. If the problem is intermittent or you're the only user having this problem, then you likely have a hardware problem. It could be a poor network connection, failing RAM or CPU or any other hardware problem that would cause the program to be corrupted as it's read into memory. Your IT professional should check out your computer for you.

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Rebuild Corrupted File
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Common System Issues

Article ID
Last Modified
 4/2/2024 2:08 PM