Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Procedures Execu/Suite PMS > Groups
In general, groups are all set up the same way, but the steps may vary from group to group.
For convenience and efficiency, do the steps in the order given. (You can skip any steps that do not apply.)
After a few group setups you will do them easily from memory.
A. Enter the group and its parameters. Go to Reservations Menu > Reservations Operations > Enter/ Change Group or click the Group icon on your Execu/Suite toolbar. At the prompt, enter the code for this new group. The code may be up to 10 characters. The Group Setup screen will open. If a master folio already exists for the group, enter the number in the "Master folio" field. If you want the software to create the master folio for you, click/check "Create master folio automatically". If the group organizer or entity is paying the guest room & tax charges rather than the guests paying their own room & tax charges, click/check "Apply master folio to reservations". Enter the group name, address information, contact name and phone numbers, comments, and email address. Enter a travel agency code if applicable. Enter the payment type. Note that credit cards are NOT validated or processed in the group setup screen. Enter the first arrival date for the group's guests. If the group leader or part of the group will arrive early, enter that date. Otherwise you will not be able to block or set aside rooms (although you can make reservations). Enter the cut-off date, which is the date by which the reservations for blocked rooms must be entered into the system. Rooms that have blocked but have not been picked up by reservations will be dropped from the block and returned to inventory at night audit Reorganize on the cut-off date. Enter a market segment code or select from the lookup. Enter a source of business code or select from the lookup. Enter a user-defined Group Type such as WED, CORP, REL. These are not set up in advance but may be used in report printing. If the group's guests are room-tax exempt, answer Y to "Tax exempt?". Click "Save" to save the group. A message will alert you that a master folio is being created: If auto-post charge codes exist, a popup will allow you to select /deselect for the group" A popup will ask for the group's departure date. This date also will be the master folio's checkout date: A popup will ask if you wish to post the deposit now. Answer Yes for the Post Payment screen to open and answer No if you wish to post the deposit later. Note that this applies to master folio deposits, not individual guest reservation deposits. Answering Yes to "Post deposit now to this master folio?" will open the Post Folio (post charges/payments) screen. Post the payment as you would post any transaction to a folio. See "Posting Charges & Payments".
To save the group click "Save". To block rooms (set them aside for later reservations) click "Block rooms". To set up an event (if you have purchased Execu/Tech's Event/Catering module) to connect to this group, click "Setup event". Click "Print screen" to capture an image of the screen and send it to your default printer. Click "Notes" to type notes for this group. The notes will be accessible from the reservations for this group.