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Home > Execu/Touch Point Of Sale > Execu/Touch POS Administrator > Discount Records

Discount codes may be set up for a variety of discount types.  This is the setup screen:

"Discount Code:" should be one character, alpha or numeric.  The code is the record "key" and cannot be deleted.

"1.  Description:" may be up to thirty characters.  Examples:  EMPLOYEE, MAMAGER COMP, PROMO 10%.

"2.  Discount type:" is an optional user-defined one-character code to represent the discount type such as employee, manager, promotion, etc.  This field may be left blank.

"3.  Employee type allowed:" determines the level of employee allowed to use this discount.  Levels are A (administrator), V (supervisor), C (cashier), and S (server) and are assigned to individual employees.  See Employee Records .

"4.  (P)ercent or (A)mount:" should be P to apply a percent discount and should be A to apply a dollar amount discount.

"5.  Default % or amount: " will be the default percent or dollar amount value.  Examples:  10.25% should be entered 10.25 and $10.25 should be entered 10.25.

"6.  Discount by (C)heck or (I)tem:" determines whether the entire check (C) is discounted or individual items (I).

"7.  Discount sales tax?:" will discount sales tax if set to Y and will not discount sales tax if set to N.  The tax laws vary from state to state and from taxing district to taxing district.  You should consult your accountant or tax professional to determine whether to discount sales tax. 

"8.  HOTEL/GL revenue code:" will be the Hotel charge code referenced by this discount.  If all discounts reference the same Hotel charge code, you may enter it in the Store Record Hotel settings and leave this field blank.    For example, if all discounts should reference DISC then you can leave this field blank and enter the DISC code in the Store Record.  If each has a different Hotel charge code, such as EDIS, PDIS, MDIS, you would enter the applicable one for this discount.  Note:  if you leave this field blank you must enter the Hotel charge code in the Store Record Hotel settings unless you have a stand-alone POS system and are not using Execu/Suite PMS.

"9.  Assigned Employee:" may be left blank unless you want to assign one specific employee to use this discount.  If so, enter the employee's User ID number.  See Employee Records.

"10.  Gen Ledger Account-Debit:" may be left blank unless you are using Execu/Tech's back office or another accounting interface with Execu/Touch POS but are not using Execu/Suite PMS.

"11.  Gen Ledger Account-Credit:" may be left blank unless you are using Execu/Tech's back office or another accounting interface with Execu/Touch POS but are not using Execu/Suite PMS.

"12.  Gen Ledger Journal Code:" may be left blank unless you are using Execu/Tech's back office or another accounting interface with Execu/Touch POS but are not using Execu/Suite PMS.

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Last Modified
 6/10/2014 4:49 PM