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Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Setup Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Setup Bullet Points & Notes > Parameters & Policies

Parameters & Policies

There are several ways to configure Execu/Suite to your property's needs and policies.  Most of these settings are established in the Parameter Record or in the MENUINI configuration file.


Below are some of the options:

Parameter Record

  • "Post payment?" popup at check-in (cash only, all payment types, or never)
  • Amount due to display at check-in (entire stay or one night)
  • Require credit card preauthorization at check-in? (yes, no, or don't ask)
  • Allow check-out with balance due? (yes or no)
  • Tape chart room sorting (by room number, room type, or usage)
  • Default rate code
  • Force log-in for each transaction posting?
  • Number of days to hold rooms for no-shows
  • Marina/Camping settings
  • Task-specific passwords (overbooking, rate changes, etc.)

MENUINI Configuration

  • Microsoft Outlook or Execu/Tech ExecEmail
  • Multiple confirmation letters, registration forms, etc.
  • Tape Chart display
  • Several Popup messages display or not display
  • Registration Form Rate Print options
  • Deposit policies
  • Guest Profile - on or off

Other Settings

Related Pages

Hotel Control Files Setup

Other Settings

Article ID
Last Modified
 3/16/2023 11:53 AM