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Home > Execu/Suite CRS > Groups > Setup

This page explains how to set up groups in Execu/Suite CRS.  You should have the group set up in Execu/Suite PMS as well.  You can block rooms in just the PMS, just the CRS, or both, but the group must be set up in both, with the same group code verbatim.  If the code is ABC GROUP in PMS it must be ABC GROUP in CRS and not ABC-GROUP, etc.

Note on inventory, room blocking, and availability:  The PMS updates the CRS with availability. The CRS does not update the PMS availability except when an actual confirmed reservation is passed through.  
  • If rooms are not blocked in PMS or CRS, the rooms will be available in both, if set up for inventory.
  • If the rooms are blocked in PMS but not CRS, the rooms will be pulled from inventory in PMS.  The number of rooms in CRS will be reduced by that amount, but they will not be set aside for the group.
  • If the rooms are blocked in both PMS and CRS, the number of rooms will be pulled from inventory in PMS.  The number of rooms will be available in CRS for the group.  However, they will be in general inventory, and will be reduced as reservations are made, whether for the group or not.  If the rooms are hard-blocked in CRS (detailed below) then they will be set aside for the group specifically and will be removed from general inventory.  If rooms are blocked in CRS only, then the number of rooms in PMS in general inventory will not reduce the number of available rooms.  Reservations from CRS will update PMS group blocks as long as the codes match verbatim.

To get started, go to "GUESTS" then "Rooming list".

The "Rooming list" window will open.  Select "+Add Group/Event".

The "Agreement" window will open.  There are six sections.  You need to fill in all of the sections in order.

Section 1 - Event - Group  agreement.  

CODE - This is the code for the group.  It MUST match the group code in PMS.  For reservations made online (Booking Engine) this code needs to be entered for each guest in the group.
NAME -  This is the name of the group.
TEXT - Click the flag to add text that will display for the group's guests when booking online.
  • Name - This can be the group code or name of the event.
  • Description - This is a more detailed description of the event.  
EVENT DATES - Enter the beginning and ending dates for this event.
BOOKING PERIOD - Enter the beginning and ending dates that the group's guests are allowed to book rooms as a part of the group.  Include shoulder dates.  The guests with this group cannot reserve rooms outside of these dates and only these dates will display for the guest when making online reservations.
EXPIRY DATE - This is the inventory cut-off date.  Rooms not picked up by reservations will be returned to inventory and will no longer be available for the group.
FOLLOWUP - This is the date for a follow-up email to be sent to the designated referent (see next section).
PAYMENT/GUARANTEE - From the drop-down select the payment type, payment policy, or guarantee code allowed for this group.  These must be already set up.
ASSOCIATED CORPORATE CUSTOMER - for a corporate billing customer, or a customer with a specified payment/guarantee policy, select form the drop-down.  The Corporate Client must already be set up.

Click Save then go to the next section.

Section 2 - Referent. Fill in the information for the contact for this group.  This person will receive emails with the group's code and name, the stay dates, and rooms blocked.

Click Save then go to the next section.
Section 3 - Rate.  From the dropdown select the rate that should apply to this group.  This will be the rate available online for guests entering the group's code.

Click Save then go to the next section.
Section 4 - Rooms.  This screen is where you set aside rooms for the group.

Explanations for the example shown below:
22 is the date (pulled from the "booking period" as defined in Section 1.)
Availability - This is the true availability pulled from PMS.   if rooms have been blocked for the group in PMS, Availability will reflect that.  If rooms have not been blocked in PMS, Availability will reflect that. 
Group inventory - This is where you enter the number of rooms available for the group.  This does not change general inventory.  It simply limits the number of reservations that can be made online for this group.  
Deduct - This is where you "hard block" rooms in the CRS for this group.  This does change general inventory in CRS but does not change inventory in PMS.  Remember, inventory updates only flow from PMS to CRS.  Actual reservations in CRS will update PMS inventory.
Non deduct - This is the remaining number of rooms in general inventory available for the group after rooms have been blocked via "deduct".  

You do not change rates in this screen.  The rates displayed are from pre-defined rates selected in Section 3.

Click Save then click Back to Index.  From the Index (Group/Event list) select the group you are setting up then go to the next section.
Section 5 - Emails.  

This allows emails to be sent to the property contacts and group contacts.  Information includes group name, contact, rates, and stay dates.
Email to Property - Enter the address of the person or department at the hotel.  This email will be sent only when "Submit" is clicked.
Email to reference - Enter the address of the  group contact person or department.  This email will be sent only when "Submit" is clicked.
Follow up email to property - Enter the address of the person or department at the hotel who should receive an email after the group has been setup.  The date defaults to the date you entered in Section 1.

Click Save then go to the next section.

Section 6 - Link.  Two links are available. 

"Individual reservation" will provide a link that you can send guests who want to book individual reservations online.  Using this link they will be taken to the reservation page, with the group code already populated, the dates available for this group, the room types available for this group, and the payment types or policies available for this group.

"Roominglist" will take you to the site where you can enter the reservations for the group.

Guests, tour operators, etc., receiving the link for the group will see only rooms and dates available for the group.  Group information will dislpay.  Pricing will be what is set up for the group, if applicable.


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Last Modified
 6/9/2020 2:58 PM