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Software Installation - Server

You must run Register Programs and Controls after installing a new client computer/server, software updates or making changes to the server's name or data location.


You MUST NOT install the software to the “Program Files” or “Program Files (x86)” folder. Microsoft virtualizes the user writable files, and as a result of this, different Windows users will see different data. We recommend installing to “C:\ExecuTech\Hotel” or your own preferred application folder.

If you’ve installed to the “Program Files” folder and performed some setup and configuration of the software, follow these steps to recover the virtualized data. Since only the data from a single user can be recovered, perform these steps on the user with the most ‘complete’ data.
  • Open the folder “Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (or Program Files (x86))\Hotel”
  • Move these files to the new ‘HOTEL’ folder location.
You MUST NOT install the software to any user-specific folders like (but not limited to) the following:
  • My Documents
  • Documents
  • Downloads
  • Desktop
  • Pictures
  • Music
  • Videos

If you don't know what this means, then protect yourself from data loss by accepting the installer defaults

Installing on the Server

1. Obtain the latest software from Execu/Tech Systems before installing.

2. Install the software on the server, first. While we prefer that you install the software to the default location, the actual install location is entirely up to you and poses no issues in the operation and support of the software (provided the appropriate network users are granted access.)
3. Once the software is installed, you will see a shortcut on the desktop. Run the software, using this icon, to be sure it installed properly.
Call Execu/Tech Support if you have any questions as to whether or not it was installed properly. This is the first step, and we want to make sure it’s successful.
After installation is complete, you should perform a software update. Software updates are free to any customer with a 24-hour support contract or within a year of their initial purchase.

Allowing Client Access
  • Remote Desktop Services doesn't require a network share unless other services, like WebRes or a GDS interface, need access.
  • Traditional client/server access will require a network share.
  • Regardless of the client access method, all users who run Execu/Suite will need to have full control of the Execu/Suite folder on the server. No other access to folders on the server is needed except in special, very rare circumstances.

You must run Register Programs and Controls after installing a new client computer/server, software updates or making changes to the server's name or data location.


Related Pages:

Register Programs and Controls

Installation Checklists

Software Installation - Client

Software Reinstall / Move

Create Shortcut Manually

System Requirements

Article ID
Last Modified
 1/30/2023 11:51 AM