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Item Categories


Menu items belong to categories such as Entrees, Cocktails, Sandwiches, Desserts, T-Shirts, Books, Snacks, etc.  Items may belong to more than one category.  For example, hamburgers may be in the Entrée category and the Sandwich category.  Setup is easy.  Here is the Item Category Setup screen:


Menu (1-8, 9=multi-menus): should be 9 unless you want to restrict this category to only one menu.  You can enter 9 and still place the category on only the menus you wish, using the Item Button (Keyboard) Setup.  9 will allow you to add the category to another menu in the future; entering just one menu number (1-8) will not.

Code (1 character): may be any upper-case letter, lower case letter, number, or character.  Note that the first character if a menu item is the default category for that item, so make sure you have a category set up for that.  For example, item A101 will default to category A, so A should be set up.  Each menu item may have up to four categories.  Upper case letters and lower-case letters are different characters, and you may use them both.

1. Description: will display on the item entry screen.  The description may be up to thirty characters.

2. Menus (1-8): determines the menus this category is available to.  We suggest entering 12345678 which will allow you to place the category on any menu.  The placement itself is done in the Item Button (Keyboard) Setup.

3. Touch Button color: determines the color of the button on the item entry (keyboard) screen.  You may press <Enter> to choose a color.  More colors are available.  In this field you may enter a number up to four digits to create your own color.  We suggest using the category color for the items within that category as this is easier for the servers when navigating the screens.  However, you may use any colors you wish.  Remember to keep the colors calm and easy to read.

4. Category type: is no longer used.

5. (F)ood (B)everage (O)ther: creates a subtotal on the guest check as well as reports.  For example, sales of items belonging to the Food category will print as a Food sum.  You may enter F, B, or O.  This field may be left blank. 

6. Sort by Description?: allows the items within this category to display in alphabetical order by item description on the item entry screen.  Set to Y to do this.  N will display the items in the order of item code (i.e., A101 will display before A102 regardless of description.)

If you've never set up a POS system before and don't know where to start, click HERE for information about items, categories, and modifiers.

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Last Modified
 2/6/2024 1:33 PM