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Direct Bill - Execu/Suite PMS Interface

PMS to Direct Bill (City Ledger) Data Flow

  1. Create General Ledger / Direct Bill Postings (or something similar) is on the Night Audit menu.
  2. This program looks at the DB payments posted to folios during the business day and creates invoices for the appropriate Direct Bill customers.
  3. Those transactions go into a batch.
  4. That batch is updated daily, or as often as appropriate. 


Several settings are required in Execu/Suite PMS to use Direct Bill.

  1. Go to Manager/Setup > Hotel Control Files Setup

  2. Go to Parameter Record

  3. General ledger/ A/R Update terminal (1-8): Enter the one-digit terminal ID for the computer that will receive the transactions posted during the night audit procedures. The DB transactions transferred from Guest Ledger to City Ledger will go to this designated terminal so that the A/R person can process them. To determine the terminal ID setting, see Terminal ID Number Codes-Batch Terminals .

  4. Click on Print Options at the bottom of the Parameter Record. The window below will open.

    Balance to print on DB folios: A = A/R balance + folio, F = folio only, L = balance less DB payments.
    This setting determines what balance will display on the Guest Folio for Direct Bill guests. You will usually enter an F.
    Click Save/Exit.

  5. Save the Parameter Record.

  6. Go to Payment Codes to set up the hotel payment code for Direct Bill.


    Payment code: You must use the code DB.

    1. Description: Direct Bill

    2-4: Do not fill in the General Ledger information unless you’re using Back Office.

    5-6: Optional.

    8-11: Leave blank.

    12. Allow comment entry: Allows a comment to be entered when a DB payment is posted at Front Desk.

    13. Display Item?: Should be set to Y unless you don’t want your Front Desk and Reservations staff to use it.

    14. Require master folio?: Leave blank.


See Also:


Direct Bill Setup

Direct Bill Procedures

DB Reports and Statements

Article ID
Last Modified
 7/15/2024 5:59 PM