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Cloud Launcher Setup

Cloud hosting will only be as reliable as your internet connection. If your internet connection is lost, you will also lose access to the hosted software. You should consult your IT professional to determine if multiple internet providers should be used to provide redundancy.

Review the Cloud Hosting Firewall Settings here: Firewall Settings

Contact your Internet Service Provider for each remote location that needs access and ask for the public IP address, addresses, IP address range, etc., that each remote location will use. Please provide us with this information. We need to whitelist these addresses to provide better security for your data and ensure uninterrupted access to the hosted software.

Click here to see your current public IP address


Failure to provide this information to us may result in restricted access if a user attempts to log in with incorrect usernames or passwords. Never attempt to use credentials that Execu/Tech didn't provide. Contact us if you're not sure which credentials to use.


Cloud Launcher Settings

  1. The first time you run the application you'll see that all of the settings are blank.

  2. To begin, click File, then Edit Settings.

  3. Click Yes when asked if you're sure you want to edit the settings.

  4. Enter the credentials we've provided you.

    • The terminal number is assigned by the last 2 digits of the user name we provided.
    • If your computer should be running terminal 02, be sure to use the user name ending in 02.
    • This terminal number is important. Not only is it tied to a specific EMV PIN Pad (credit card device), but it is also tied to specific functions and printers in a Point of Sale environment. 

  5. After entering the credentials, click Log In to test.

  6. Click File and then Save Settings.

  7. Upon a successful login, you may see a Windows Notification. Windows knows you're connected to a Windows server that provides access to RemoteApps.

  8. If the test was successful, you'll see any applications that are available to this user.

  9. If new credentials were provided, you may also be asked if you want to save these credentials again. This will only save the credentials, not other settings like Auto and Monitor Internet Connection. Many different sets of credentials can be saved. This is useful when a central office needs access to multiple hosted sites. Using multiple sets of credentials is explained in the "Additional Settings" section, below.

  10. If you'd like the application to automatically log in when you open it:

    Click File then click Edit Settings.

    Check Auto.

    Click File then click Save Settings.

  11. If you'd like the application to monitor your internet connection:

    Click File then click Edit Settings.

    Check Monitor Internet Connection.

    Click File then click Save Settings.

  12. Upon clicking an application icon, you'll see Windows Notification letting you know which application is being launched. You'll also see that it's letting you know that the Cloud Application Launcher is being minimized into the Notification Area.

  13. The application attempts to save the credentials to the Windows Credential Manager, but this may fail depending on your Windows user permissions. If this fails, you may be asked to provide the user and password again. 

Windows 7

Windows 10

Windows 7 doesn't have the ability to remember Microsoft RemoteApp passwords by checking a box. 


  • If the username is already shown, just enter the password we provided you, then click Ok.


  •  If the wrong username is shown, click Use another account


  • Enter the credentials we provided you, then click Ok.

  • If the username is already shown, just enter the password we provided you.

Click Remember me, then click Ok.



  • If the wrong username is shown, click More choices, then click Use a different account.


  • Enter the credentials we provided you. Check Remember me, then click Ok






You can now click on the application icon.

  • When you do this, you'll see a Microsoft RemoteApp window asking you to verify that you trust the publisher. 
  • Look closely to be sure that the Publisher is listed as *.execu-tech.comIf this is the case, then check the box titled, "Don't ask me again for remote connections from this publisher." This will speed up the launch process the next time.
  • Click Connect.

  • You'll notice that the Execu/Suite Cloud Application Launcher is now minimized into the Task Bar. 
  • If you close the cloud software and need to open it again, click the Execu/Suite Cloud Application Launcher icon 


Additional Settings

Auto Login 

If you'd like the application to automatically log in when you open it, follow these steps. If you need access to multiple hosted sites, we recommend not enabling this option.

  1. Click File then click Edit Settings

  2. Check "Auto".

  3. Click File then click Save Settings.

Monitor Internet Connection

If you'd like the application to monitor your internet connection, follow these steps. This is useful in attempting to identify possible intermittent internet connection issues. An attempt is made to contact a web service installed on your hosted server every 10 seconds. If the attempt fails a timer is started and when the next successful connection is made, the duration of this connection loss is submitted to the web service. No confidential information is submitted, just your terminal number, the date and time that the connection was lost, when it reconnected and the duration in seconds.
  1. Click File then click Edit Settings

  2. Check "Monitor Internet Connection".

  3. Click File then click Save Settings.

Adding Multiple Servers / Users

If you need access to more than one hosted server, you can add additional server credentials to the launcher. There is no limit to the number of servers you can connect to but only one user can be saved per server.

  1. First, make sure you've added and saved at least 1 set of credentials as explained in this document.

  2. Click File then click Edit Settings.

  3. Enter the new set of credentials. These will be provided to you by Execu/Tech. If you've already received the configuration document with the credentials for the entire site, use one of those.

  4. Save the credentials. Click File then click Save Settings.

  5. You should now see the new server credentials in the server drop down box.

  6. When logging in you can now select from the list of saved servers.

Article ID
Last Modified
 11/14/2023 5:45 PM