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Direct Bill - General Ledger Interface

If you are using Execu/Tech's Back Office/ General Ledger, there are a couple of settings you need to configure.

Go to Direct Bill > Control Files Setup > Parameter Record

  1. Enter the two-digit G/L Company in the first field.  (Most likely this is company 01, but make sure.)
  2. Enter the one-digit terminal ID code for the workstation to which the GL transactions should go. When the Direct Bill batch is updated, General Ledger entries are created. These GL entries post to the designated terminal.

After saving the Parameter Record, go to Direct Bill > Control Files Setup Transaction Codes.

Enter the G/L account and offset account numbers for each transaction type.  The exception is T (TRANSFER FROM GUEST LEDGER).  If you set up GL account numbers in the Hotel PMS payment code DB, then do not enter those account numbers in the Direct Bill transaction code T.  Otherwise the transactions will post twice.

Batches created in direct bill should be updated daily, or as often as practical by the employee responsible for direct bill management.  When the batches are created, General Ledger transactions will post to the batch on the computer designated in the Direct Bill Parameter Record.  That batch should also be updated daily, or as often as practical by the employee responsible for these general ledger batches.

Article ID
Last Modified
 7/25/2024 9:06 PM