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Home > Year-End Procedures

Make sure you have good antivirus software with current definitions.
Make sure you have a daily backup.  This is crucial.  We offer Execu/Vault as an affordable secondary backup.

Here are a few tips and reminders for your year-end procedures in your Execu/Tech system.  There are no required procedures other than resetting your fiscal year if it is not the calendar year.  However, there are several steps you should take to ensure your system is running optimally and your data is managed properly.  We particularly recommend that you close old or large folios and open new ones. 

Resetting your fiscal year
Managing master folios
Setting new seasons and rates
Clearing advance deposits
Server and system health
PCI Compliance
City Ledger - Direct Bill
General Ledger
Accounts Payable

If your Execu/Tech software has not been updated lately, you should consider scheduling the installation so that your system will be current.  If you close for the season, you should schedule the updates prior to training staff for the new season.  If you do not close for the season, schedule the updates for your slow season.  Of course, we recommend keeping your software up to date regardless of season.

It's a good idea to call in an IT professional to make sure your server, workstations, and network are healthy and fast.  Here are our System Requirements.

If you are interested in a hosted cloud system or on-line reservations, let us know at 850-747-0581 or email support@execu-tech.com

Do you have new employees?  Execu/Tech Systems offers expert training by knowledgeable and experienced professionals.  We provide both remote and on-site training.  Request a quote.

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Last Modified
 11/10/2020 11:19 AM