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Direct Bill / City Ledger Setup

Control Files Setup is where to set up transaction codes, statement messages, and certain configuration settings.

Customer Setup is where to set up new customers or edit existing customers.  This also is where you will enter your hotel or property name and address as you wish it to print on statements.

Membership Billing describes how to configure Direct Bill A/R for club and membership billing capabilities.

Execu/Suite PMS Interface explains the settings necessary in Execu/Suite PMS to allow guest and master folio charges to be direct billed.

Execu/Touch POS Interface explains the settings necessary in stand-alone Execu/Touch POS to allow guest or customer charges to be direct billed.  Note: For POS facilities that are part of a hotel property, POS charges should post the to guest or master folio and then be direct billed from there. This will allow all of the property's income to be reported on the AM Report, Daily Report, etc.

General Ledger Interface explains the settings necessary if you are using Execu/Tech's Back Office general ledger system.


This document is meant to be a general guide to using Execu/Tech’s Direct Bill/City Ledger Accounts Receivable system.


Execu/Tech Systems does not offer accounting instruction, guidance, or advice of any kind.


Please consult your certified accountant if you need assistance in understanding city ledger, direct billing, accounts receivables, hotel accounting protocols. 

Article ID
Last Modified
 7/11/2024 1:10 PM