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POS to Hotel Data Flow

Each sale printing on the Daily Report and AM Report comes from a Hotel charge code.  The charge code has an AM Report line number which determines where it prints on the report.

Each POS menu item points to a revenue department.

Each POS revenue department points to a Hotel charge code.  A POS department can point to more than one Hotel charge code if one of the following two conditions exists:

  • • The hotel charge code is determined by the terminal on which the sale is made.  For example, a hamburger sold on a restaurant terminal may post
    to RFD (restaurant food).  A hamburger sold on a bar terminal may post to BFD (bar food).  You may have up to eight department designations by
  • • A separate hotel charge code is determined by the menu as defined in the Terminal Record.  For example, a hamburger sold during Menu 2 will
    record as LFD (lunch food).  A hamburger sold during Menu 3 will record as DFD (dinner food).

Each POS store may have its own set of revenue departments that post to the designated hotel charge code.  For example, Store 01 might have RFD as a department, pointing to hotel charge code RFD and Store 02 might have BFD as a department, point to hotel charge code BFD.
Each hotel charge code will print on the AM Report and Daily Report if a sequence number is defined within the charge code setup.

Report Heading lines (such as Restaurant or Bar) also must exist as a charge code, with format C.  Total and subtotal lines also must exist as charge codes with format 1-9 depending on subtotal level. 



Hotel charge codes
POS menu items
POS terminal records
POS revenue departments

Article ID
Last Modified
 10/3/2024 5:04 PM