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Worldpay EMV triPOS Cloud Configuration

There are a couple terms you need to understand to make this process easier.

  • EMV PIN Pad
    This is the credit card reader.

    This is the configuration program in the Execu/Tech application where first the terminals are set up, and then the triPOS EMV PIN pads are configured.

  • This concerns the configuration of your credit card readers and there are many settings that must be configured properly for this to work. If you're not comfortable configuring these settings, please call Execu/Tech support and ask for assistance.

  • Before you can configure the EMV PIN Pad, you must first configure the terminal it will be used with in MENUEPCO. See Worldpay EMV PIN Pad Setup to configure the terminals.

  • An EMV PIN Pad must never be used between multiple Execu/Tech terminals. Each terminal that needs an EMV PIN Pad must have its own.

  • If the Execu/Tech terminal settings match an existing LaneID, then the associated EMV PIN Pad is considered properly linked.

  • Just because a LaneID exists, it doesn't guarantee that the device is communicating and working properly. When in doubt, you can always compare serial numbers to determine if you're working with the correct EMV PIN Pad.

  • An EMV PIN Pad can be assigned to multiple LaneIDs but should never be assigned to multiple physical Execu/Tech terminals. 

    An example of this is a computer that operates the Execu/Tech software in multiple companies, and different terminal numbers are used for each company. However, we recommend that the same Execu/Tech terminal number be used on the same computer.

  • An EMV PIN Pad can be assigned the same LaneID for multiple merchants (AcceptorID). 

    An example of this is an Execu/Tech terminal that processes payments for the hotel and gift shop, each with their own merchant. In this case, the EMV PIN Pad will be configured for the first merchant, a new Activation Code requested, and then configured for the second merchant using this Activation Code.

  • If you change merchants or the LaneID / Terminal Number, you must delete the LaneID and add it again.

  • If you delete all LaneIDs associated with an EMV PIN Pad, the display on the device should present you with a new Activation Code. This is required to assign it a new LaneID. 

    If an Activation Code isn't displayed on the device, reboot it. If this doesn't work, call Worldpay support and have them delete the EMV PIN Pad on their side.

triPOS EMV PIN Pad Configuration



Configured in ET only

Terminal / Type is only configured in Execu/Tech. No LaneID exists yet. This is ready to be linked with an EMV PIN Pad.

Incomplete Config in ET 
The type is not configured in MENUEPCO and it can't be linked with an EMV PIN Pad.
Configured in TriPOS only 
There's an EMV PIN Pad linked to this LaneID but no corresponding Execu/Tech terminal. This may be a valid device that's now used with a new Execu/Tech terminal, or it may no longer exist. You can compare the Model and Serial Number to identify this device. If you need to link another EMV PIN Pad to this LaneID, you must delete this one first.
Configured in ET and TriPOS 
Terminal / Type is properly linked with a TriPOS LaneID. Presumably the LaneID is linked with a valid EMV PIN Pad.


LaneID / Terminal #

EMV PIN Pads are assigned to a Lane and identified by a number called a LaneID. The LaneID of a PIN Pad will be the same as the Execu/Tech terminal number that uses it.
In certain cases a PIN Pad can be assigned more than one LaneID. These cases are limited to a single computer running multiple instances of Execu/Tech software using different terminal numbers. This is rare and you should always contact Execu/Tech support to determine if this is an appropriate configuration. Assigning a PIN Pad to multiple computers will cause problems.


In the table showing the Terminals / LaneIDs, this refers to the Execu/Tech types of Reservations, Hotel, POS and A/R. Each terminal in Execu/Tech will show one row for each type. There may be additional rows with a blank type if there is a LaneID configured in TriPOS that isn't linked with an Execu/Tech terminal.


This is assigned by Worldpay. If you're not sure what this is Execu/Tech support can help you locate it.


If this Lane is synced with triPOS then this will be the description given to it when configuring the Lane. If this Lane isn't synced then this is the description in MENUECPO. These two descriptions are often the same.

PIN Pad Model

This is the PIN Pad model that triPOS detected when the Lane was synced. This is useful when trying to identify which PIN Pad you're working with.

PIN Pad Serial Number

This is the PIN Pad serial number that triPOS detected when the Lane was synced. This is useful when trying to identify which PIN Pad you're working with.


This is assigned by Worldpay. If you're not sure what this is Execu/Tech support can help you locate it.

AcceptorID / Merchant #

This is assigned by Worldpay. If you're not sure what this is Execu/Tech support can help you locate it. The AcceptorID is also your merchant number.

Merchant Description

This description comes from MENUEPCO. If it's not displayed then it's not set in MENUEPCO or the account and merchant information stored by triPOS don't match the settings in MENUEPCO.

How To

Add a New EMV PIN Pad
  1. The terminal must be configured in MENUEPCO.

  2. Select the row representing the Execu/Tech terminal that will use this EMV PIN Pad.

    If multiple merchants are in use, be sure to select the correct Type (AR, FD, POS, RES).

    Make sure the "Configured in ET only" Linked icon shows: 

  3. Enter the Activation Code shown on the EMV PIN Pad into the Activation Code field.

  4. Click Manage This Lane.

  5. Click Add This Lane / PIN Pad.

If each type (Reservations, Hotel, POS and A/R) use the same merchant, then each will be linked with this EMV PIN Pad now. After the list refreshes, you should see the green icon  indicating that they are linked.

If the types use different merchants, go to the next section to add the EMV PIN Pad to them.


Add an existing EMV PIN Pad to an additional merchant
  1. The terminal must be configured in MENUEPCO.

  2. Select a row that's already been linked with this EMV PIN Pad.  or 

  3. Click Manage This Lane

  4. Click Request New Activation Code for the PIN Pad with this LaneID.

  5. If this is successful, you'll see a new Activation Code displayed in the Activation Code field. Since this PIN Pad was already linked, it won't display an Activation Code, and it will be provided automatically by the previous step.

  6. Select the row for this terminal showing the additional merchant that isn't linked yet. 

  7. Click Manage This Lane.

  8. Click Add This Lane / PIN Pad.

Delete a LaneID

Deleting a LaneID is necessary when you need to link different EMV PIN Pad to an Execu/Tech Terminal.

You may also need to delete a LaneID if your EMV PIN Pad is having communication issues and you want to re-link it.

  1. The terminal must be configured in MENUEPCO.

  2. Select a row that's already been linked with this EMV PIN Pad.  or 
    Once selected the details will display.

  3. Click Manage This Lane.

  4. Click Delete LaneID and break link with PIN Pad.

  5. The table should refresh and this row should  now have a Linked icon showing that it's configured in Execu/Tech only. 


See Also:

Worldpay Critical Setup Info

Worldpay EMV PIN Pad Setup

Worldpay EMV Failure Messages

Worldpay EMV PIN Pad Troubleshooting

Worldpay EMV Data Flow

Worldpay Receipt Printer Setup

EMV Credit Card Processing

Credit Card Service Fees

Article ID
Last Modified
 7/1/2024 11:26 AM