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WebRes - Installation

WebRes installation takes several steps. Some of these steps must be performed before Execu/Tech can install the actual WebRes application.

WebRes is only supported on Microsoft's IIS 6 or newer.

For WebRes to work properly:
  • The computer on which WebRes is installed must be on and connected to the internet.

  • If the PMS software server is not the same as the WebRes server, both computers must be on and communicating on the same network.

Pre Installation (Before Execu/Tech can install the WebRes web application)

Performed by Execu/Tech
  1. Ensure that Shift4 credit card processing is installed and operating properly if the customer will be processing credit cards through WebRes via Shift4. 
    Make sure the WebRes Terminal (the default is 98) is configured in MENUS4CO.

  2. Install the latest PMS software updates.

Performed by Customer’s Network Professional
  1. The WebRes installation folder location must be provided to Execu/Tech before the WebRes web application can be installed. WebRes can be installed in the default IIS folder or anywhere else on the server EXCEPT Program Files or Program Files or Program files (x86).

  2. The IIS 'Site' name must also be provided to Execu/Tech before the WebRes web application can be installed. Please ensure that the 'Site' uses the folder from Step 1.
    *Because of the CGI settings, WebRes must be installed as its own site and it can be the default site if no other web applications are running on it. It can also be a folder within another site.
    If you're running WebRes as a folder within a site, you must convert it to an application by following these instructions.

  3. IIS must be installed with Classic ASP and CGI. IIS Settings

  4. Install a Windows IIS Web Server on the same network as the Execu/Tech HOTEL™ server. This can be same or a different server than the server running HOTEL™, and most customers use the HOTEL™ server as the WebRes server. This is your “WebRes Server”. Execu/Tech will need administrator level access to complete installation of WebRes.

  5. Configure folder permissions as stated here: Folder Permissions

  6. The URL or IP address that directs traffic to the customer's WebRes application is not configured in the WebRes application. Execu/Tech has no part to play in this setting, since it is determined by the internet provider and domain registrar. If the customer's static IP address changes or routers and firewalls are replaced, the following steps may have to be repeated to get WebRes working again.

  7. Ensure dedicated internet access to the web server with a Static IP. If the server can't be reached from the internet, WebRes won't work.

  8. Firewall Settings.

    Open any necessary ports so that the WebRes Server is accessible from the internet for web traffic. This should be tested and verified before Execu/Tech begins WebRes installation.
    • HTTP = 80
    • SSL  = 443 (Alternate ports can be used and it is up to you to know this and configure it.)
    • SMTP = 25 (It is very common to use alternate SMTP ports. If your SMTP server uses an alternate port, be sure it's opened as well.)

  9. Forward these ports in your router so that they are directed to the WebRes Server.

  10. If you choose to register a sub domain, it is your responsibility to maintain it and ensure that it's directed to the proper IP address.

  11. Execu/Tech will need remote access to install and configure WebRes. Our preferred methods are RDP and VNC. If the WebRes server is separate from the HOTEL™ server, it’s common to connect to the already configured HOTEL™ server connection and RDP to the WebRes server using that connection. The remote connection information must be provided to Execu/Tech before Execu/Tech can begin installation. Our remote connection application, Remote Connection (RemoteET),  provides free, secure VNC based remote connection applications, both on demand and permanent.

  12. Email Confirmation Letters.
      WebRes - Confirmation

Performed by Customer’s Web Registrar 

The registrar is whoever registered the domain (www.something.com). This could be the Web Designer, Network Professional, or even the customer.

  1. Create a sub domain pointing to the web server’s static IP address and provide the URL to Execu/Tech.
    Most of our customers use something like https://reservations.something.com.
    *When WebRes installation is complete, Execu/Tech will provide the URL to the WebRes web application based off of this URL.


Performed by Execu/Tech

  1. Download the latest WebRes install from the support site in the updates/components folder.

  2. Install the WebRes files into the WebRes folder.

  3. Configure IIS .cgi settings to work with WebRes.

  4. Configure wruncbl.fil and inc_variables.asp in the WebRes folder according to customer’s needs.
    Be sure to update the CODE-PREFIX and FILE-PREFIX in wruncbl.fil in the WebRes folder. It should be set to the path to the PMS software folder.

  5. Credit Card Interface
      If using Shift4, install the WebRes Shift4 credit card interface service. WebRes - Shift4  

  6. Test WebRes from an external location making sure everything works for availability, room rates, and credit card processing. http(s)://ipaddress/webres.asp

  7. Provide the web designer with the link that will be needed to create the “Book Now” button on the customer’s website. Customers who register a sub domain will look similar to this: https://reservations.something.com/webres/webres.asp and customers who are using the IP address will look similar to this:

  8. Edit these lines in inc_variables.asp:
WebResFolder  (This is the full path on the local computer where WebRes is installed)
WebResURL  (Not needed until they have their permanent URL) 
Room_Matrix_Show  (Set to 0 until everything else works) 
Room_Type_Limit  (Set to 0 until ROOMTYPES.TXT is edited) 
Room_Type_Category  (Set to 0 unless needed) 
Room_Desc_File  (Set to 0 until they create description files) 
i4Go  (Set to 0) 

Performed by Customer’s Network Professional
  1. SSL Sertificates.

    Purchase an SSL Certificate and configure it on the WebRes Server if SSL is desired. SSL encryption is a function of IIS and not WebRes and must be handled and configured by the customer’s network professional. Once the SSL is properly configured on the customer’s WebRes Server, the WebRes asp page will be accessed through https:// instead of http:// and the small padlock will appear on the user’s internet browser signifying a secure web page. 

Performed by Customer’s Web Designer
  1. Once Execu/Tech has tested WebRes and the customer has verified that it is working, the web designer should create a link on the customer’s website using the link that Execu/Tech provides. It’s also possible to present the WebRes inside of an Inline Frame. Treating it as an asp include, however, doesn’t work because of variables passed in each step of the reservation.

    If linking, please be sure to open a new page, using "target='_blank'" or equivalent. This prevents the guest from accidentally backing out of the reservation and losing information they've entered. Similar to this:
    <a target="_blank" href="reservations.something.com/webres.asp">https://reservations.something.com/webres.asp </a>

IIS, Network and User Settings

Unless otherwise noted, these steps are the responsibility of the customer's IT professional.

Microsoft IIS 6  (web server) Settings for WebRes
  1. In the IIS Manager, under Web Service Extensions, you MUST ALLOW “All Unknown CGI Extensions” and “Active Server Pages”.

  2. In the IIS Manager, right click the WebRes folder and open the properties window. In the “Directory” tab, next to the “Application name:” field, click “Create”. This only needs to be done if WebRes is in its own folder inside a site.

  3. Performed by Execu/Tech unless the IT professional wants to do it.
    Click “Configuration” and under the “Mappings” tab, add the following application extension, using the actual software path.
    *Verify the path because it may be different than the example.

    Executable: "C:\ExecuTech\Hotel\wrun32.exe" -c C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\webres\wruncbl.fil -f %s
    Extension: .CGI

Microsoft IIS 7, 7.5 , 8 (web server) Settings for WebRes

  1. Both CGI and ASP server roles must be installed as they are not installed by default. Use the following articles to assist you:
    ASP http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc753918(WS.10).aspx
    CGI http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc753077(WS.10).aspx

  2. In the IIS Manager, right click the WebRes folder and choose “Convert to Application”. This only needs to be done if WebRes is in its own folder inside a site, such as the "Default Web Site".

  3. Performed by Execu/Tech unless the IT professional wants to do it.

    Open the Handler Mappings for this folder and select “Add Script Map”. Configure it using the actual software path.
    *Verify the path because it may be different than the example.

    Request path: *.cgi
    Executable: C\ExecuTech\Hotel\wrun32.exe -c wruncbl.fil -f %s

    When you click OK, you’ll be asked if you want to create an allowed entry in ISAPI and CGI Restrictions. Click YES! 

**IMPORTANT!!!**  Folder Permissions


IIS 6, 7


Make sure the web server’s IUSR user has full permissions to the “HOTEL” folder. In some situations, especially when WebRes is installed on a computer other than the HOTEL™ server, the web server’s IUSR user might not be seen on the server containing the “HOTEL” folder. In this case, create a new user with full permissions to the “HOTEL” folder and set it as the ‘Windows user account for anonymous access.’


IIS 7.5, 8, 8.5, 10 and newer


You must give the Application Pool Identity  full permissions to the “HOTEL” folder.

  1. Right click the “HOTEL” folder and select “Properties”

  2. Select the “Security” tab

  3. Click the “Edit” and then “Add” button

  4. Click the “Locations” button and make sure you select your machine.

  5. Enter “IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool”, or your custom app pool name, in the “Enter the object names to select:” text box.
    Windows 8 and Server 2012  and newer should also give the IIS_IUSRS group and IUSR user these permissions.

  6. Click the “Check Names” button and click “OK”.​

Article ID
Last Modified
 9/11/2024 6:01 PM